Chapter 55

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Niccolo Knights

"Just continue finding where she is." I told Domenik sternly and he replied a tight yes sir.

I ended the call and sighed. I clicked my photos and looked at her pictures I took with my phone. Almost all of it where taken when candidly by me. My favorite photo in all of them was when she and Dylan were taking a nap on her couch while hugging each other. That was the day I came back from Italy.

When I heard the flight attendant notifying us that we will be departing soon, I turned my phone into airplane mode and leaned back on the plush leather seat of the plane while still thinking about Olivia.

Baby, where are you? Please God, just give me any hint of where she is right now. I hope she's safe and well. I hope she's eating properly and not overworking herself.

I mentally told myself before I drifted to sleep.

It was already night time when we landed in Dubai, me and my team went straight to the hotel to rest. But since I have slept the whole flight, I opted to walk around the streets of Dubai to clear my head from everything.

I went to a nearby bar to have a drink. When I glance at the table near the island, I saw a couple making out on the private table, the woman was straddling the man and they looked so intimate. I bet Olivia and I were like that when we first went clubbing together.

That was the first time I saw her on the loose and so carefree. It's as if she doesn't care about the whole world as long as she's with the people she loves.

I let out a sigh when I remembered what everyone has told me, that she loves me. I just hope that she still loves me and that she still cares for me. I know for a fact that it wont be easy to woo her again but I will do everything just to have her by my side again.

For two days, my team and I were so busy dealing with Seif's team with regards to what his visions for their software. By the time we ironed out the deal, we bid goodbye to them and went down to head on to our hotel to pack our bags.

As our lift landed on the ground and opened, I got the surprise of a lifetime. There I saw standing beautifully and regally while talking to someone the woman I've been looking for for the past months, the one I wrongfully accused of lying and cheating on me, the one that I hurt and the one I love the most, Olivia North.

I blinked rapidly to see if my eyes were playing tricks on me but it wasn't because when Carlisle called me, she immediately looked at my way and shocked was evident in her face but she immediately replaced it with void. She then started walking the opposite way with the woman she's talking with.

My feet quickly followed her while calling her name.

"Olivia. Olivia wait, please." I held her arm to stop her from walking and turned her around to face me. I felt the familiar electricity ran down my body when I touched her and I bet she felt it too because she jumped a little before she harshly removed my hold from her.

I shamelessly stared at her. You can see that she had changed, she looked thinner, her hair's longer, but what really caught my attention was her eyes. It looks so dead and hollow, very different from the joyful and full of admiration before.

My heart was beating rapidly and I couldn't find any words to speak. I became completely mute in front of her. Then she spoke in a very cold tone.

"Don't you ever touch me again." She spoke and walked away and that's when it sinked in to me. This is all true. I snapped out of my initial shock and ran to her and held her arm again.

"Olivia plea--"

"Didn't you hear what I said? I said don't touch me!" She raised her voice a little enough for me to know that she's mad. I know from her tone that she's mad but still, her eyes held no emotions.

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