Chapter 36 - Part I

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Olivia North

I woke up when I felt a weight on my stomach, I knew it was Nick's hand but when I felt strands of hair, I immediately opened my eyes. I smiled widely when I saw one of my favorite people in the world, my son. He was on his side while his right side head was resting on my stomach, he smiled at me when I caressed his head.

What a way to start my day with this cute smiling face. He was still in his spiderman pyjamas with the teddy bear I gave the other night.

"Good morning, mommy." He smiled and I shifted him beside me.

"Good morning, my love." I replied at him and I kissed his cheek and snuggled my face on his neck. I inhaled his baby milk scent and sighed in contentment. I can really wakeup from this everyday, with Nick and Dylan. Speaking of which, I looked at my left to check if Nick's still asleep but he's nowhere to be found.

"Dylan, where's daddy?" I looked at the cute munchkin beside who's busy sucking his thumb. I removed his thumb from his mouth because it will cause permanent habit if not stopped early.

"Daddy's making breakfast, he told me to stay with you until you wake up." My baby snuggled in the crook of my neck and embraced him tighter. This is my life now a mom and a future wife to the love of my life, if not from dad, I wouldn't be able to experience this kind of contentment in life just like how I felt when I was a kid, this is my family. So whoever snatch or hurt my family, I will show them who they're messing with. I will ruin their life to the point that they will lose their mind in regret and this I vow to myself.

Dylan and I headed to the kitchen to see what Nick has been preparing. I smiled at Maria when I saw her making coffee, and then I saw the love of my life mixing the pancake batter with a black apron on him. He didn't notice us yet so I took a couple of pictures of him. Dylan on the other hand went straight ahead to sit on one of the chairs.

I went towards Niccolo and back hugged him, I kissed his nape when he stilled and he put chocolate chips on the batter.

"Good morning." I greeted him and he faced me. He was about to kiss me but I evaded it because we have an audience, our son and Maria. He tried to kiss me again but I whispered "later" at him and pointed my head to the direction of Dylan. He sighed and just rolled his eyes.

"Stop being grumpy okay. What can I help you with?" I asked and stood beside him looking for something to help him in his cooking.

"I'm fine, babe. Just sit down and enjoy the show." He winked at me and sat me on one of the kitchen stools and stole a kiss from me.

I was really enjoying his so-called show when I realized something, I should be the one cooking not him. He should be the one sitting here and enjoying my show. This should be my role, cooking for my family like what mom used to do. Dylan should have a memory of me in the kitchen because that's what mothers do, that's what wives does, to prepare food for her family.

I stood up and held Nick's arm, he looked at me questioning my move.

"Nick, let me do it please. Just sit down, okay." I took the ladle from him gently pushed him aside. "This is just a pancake, it's easy to cook this, I just have to flip it right, no biggie." I added.

"But I'm almost done, Livy." I glared at him and pointed my head to the stools by the countertop. He had an amused smile on his face and raised both of his hands surrendering.

I turned around and took a deep breath. This is just a pancake, Olivia.

I poured 3 ladles of pancake on the pan and waited for it to be cooked. See, there's no problem, easy peasy. I would just have to flip it when the side is already cooked. I smiled to myself but when I was going to flip it, a burnt smell immediately filled my nostrils. I flipped the pancakes immediately and I saw the blackest pancake I've ever seen in my life. It's not yet burnt right? Because Nick made a chocolate chips pancake so maybe the choco chips were already melted in the batter and... No, it's burnt, I saw Nick's first batch of pancakes and it's golden-brown with spots of chocolate chips.

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