Chapter 15

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Olivia North

"Erin, I'm so sorry but I really can't come to the charity ball tonight. Zac gave me tons of work that should be submitted to him tomorrow for him to review before I present it to the shareholders meeting on Monday. Can you ask Jowee instead? I'm really really sorry." I explained while I review the document in front of me.

"It's okay, Livy. I know very well that you're schedule is quite hectic and quite indefinite because 3 divisions are already under your leadership. As per Jowee, I already asked her but she's scheduled to go to Spain tonight to check their grape farm." Erin assured me and I can't help but feel guilty for her. I promised her last week that I will accompany her to the charity ball that their company's holding tonight. If only Zac wasn't being difficult I could've accompanied my best friend tonight.

"I'm so sorry, Erin. I promise I'll make it up to you." I apologized again.

"I told you it's fine. But both of you better make it up to me." she said in serious tone but I can sense the joke in it.

"We will, anyway, I'll call you later ok. Zac's calling" I replied as I looked on to my office phone's caller ID.

"Ok. Bye." she said and hung up. I rolled my eyes and clicked the speaker button.

"What took you so long to answer your phone?" Zac bursted

"Take a chill pill Zac, I was on the phone with Erin. What do you want?" I asked and rolled my eyes.

"Where are the Tim Burton files?" he asked. I furrowed my browse to try to remember what the hell are those files. I jumped a little when I heard Zac shouted, "Olivia! Don't tell me you  forgot about it."

Oops, busted.

But suddenly I remembered that it was a file for the textile division he asked me yesterday. I looked onto my desk and saw the green folder labeled Tim Burton. Gotcha, I told myself.

"What the hell, Olivia! Don't tell me you..."

"It's on my desk, Zachary. I will ask Nikkie to bring it to you now. Geez no need to be this grumpy." I interrupted him and before he hung up, an idea popped inside my mind.

"Yo, Zac? Are you busy tonight?" I asked cautiously. There was a slight pause, I assume he checked his calendar.

"I'm free after 6pm. Why? Olivia if you think that I will help you on the reports then you're nuts." he said in a tired voice. I furrowed my brows and rolled my eyes again. What did he think, I am not capable of finishing my report?

"That is not what I meant, you moron. So you're free tonight. As in free free." I stated happily.

"what do you want?" he asked.

"You know, it's time for you to pay me back. Afterall, I did everything you wanted me to do since I first started working here, might I add, without any complaint." I said cautiously while still gauging his mood.

"If this is about your arrangement with Niccolo, leave me out of it. I have a lot of things in my mind, the last thing I want is to add drama into it."

"Don't worry about it, Zac, this isn't about that. Anyway, since you've been asking me to be your proxy in your meetings, I think you need to return the favor." I said while signing the documents in front of me.

"Those weren't favors, Livy."

"Whatever, brother. Now listen to me, I was going to attend a charity ball tonight but since you're being bossy to me, I want you to..."

"If you want me to attend that ball tonight, sorry Olivia, I wouldn't trade a good night's sleep for that." he cut me by saying that. This made me annoyed.

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