Chapter 52

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Niccolo Knights

I couldn't sleep the night of Tessa's birthday for my conscience was bugging me when I sided with Rebecca instead of her, that's why I made up my mind to go to her place and apologize for shouting and not letting herself explain.

Mom and Tessa were mad at me for what I did to Olivia, even Dad actually. The day I was going to apologize to her, I received a mail. When I looked into its content, my blood boiled and I swear I wanted to kill somebody.

In there I saw a note that says:
Olivia North and Adolph Vogel.

Enclosed in the envelope thereafter was pictures of her and a man I assume was Adolph. There were pictures of them hugging affectionately with each other, Adolph giving Oliva a kiss on the forehead, him entering her apartment building, and them having lunch at a restaurant --- near from what I can see in the background is the Cathedral of Frauenkirche in Munich, Germany.

I studied the last photo of them and saw the necklace I gave to Olivia hanging around her neck. That means this photo was taken pretty recently and it's when she went to Germany.

Was that why she was extremely cheerful and happy when she told me she's going to Germany? Was it because she'll be seeing and spending time with him?

Then it dawned on me, that was why the news about her cheating on me with a German won't die down even if I put a lot of effort extinguishing it. Suddenly I remember what Cassandra told me, that some news about Olivia was true, that she's only acting and playing victim.

I was fuming when I went out of Olivia's apartment and I didn't care if I would break her door.

I came here to confront her about the pictures taken of her with the fucking Adolph guy. When I went inside her apartment, I didn't waste any second and I poured the pent up anger I kept inside me since the night I was going to confess my love to her.

What irked me was that she did not even explained herself, she just stood there looking at me dead in the eye. I couldn't read what's going on in her mind because she gave me the fucking heiress look. The one I hated the most, the one she used to sport on when I first saw and met her.

I guess I really made a fool out of myself. I shouldn't have assumed that she's also into me. I commend her for being a good actress for making me and Dylan believe that she cares for us.

Dylan. How can I tell and explain to him everything, that he'll never call her his mom again. Damn it, I should've listened to Alex when he warned me about it. Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

A few weeks has already passed and I am still beyond furious but I am also missing her. I miss her kisses, her touches, her hugs, her jolliness, her occasionally hits whenever she's laughing out loud or when I tease, and the list goes on.

Whenever my phone rings, I looked at it immediately to see if it was Olivia checking up on me just like what she did over the past weeks I had gone unreachable but turned out it wasn't her.

I told myself that I am willing to start over with her if she will come to me or even just in a call to explain to me everything but she never did. I've already accepted the fact that she doesn't like me, and I am willing to swallow my pride just to be with here again.

But I think she already saw this as her opportunity to run away from our marriage deal. I should've known that what we had was too good to be true.

I was out of my reverie when my door was forcefully opened and saw the very furious Zachary North. Didith tried to stop him but it was futile. Then as if everything's turned into slo-mo, I saw his fist flew in front of me and hit my jaw, then another he gave me another punch and made me face him by holding both of my collar.

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