Chapter 33

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Olivia North

I immediately saw Zac's black Lamborghini Aventador parked by the fountain when Dylan and I arrived at the manor. Seriously, he's such a douche for always parking his damn cars on that spot because the beauty and tranquility of the fountain was depleted by his cars and I don't care whether it's a high end luxury car or a limited edition car.

Tonight dad invited us to have dinner in the manor, he told us that he's been missing us so he hosted a regale tonight. Ever since I spoke to dad in mom's garden, we became closer just like before for we have settled what needed to be settled and be bygones be bygones. It's like as if the smallest shard of glass that was left pierced in my heart was already removed and I was slightly kinda thankful for the incident happened in Nick's house. If it wasn't for it I wouldn't be able to have the talk with dad and would probably still be a bitch to him.

"Mommy, is this gwandpa's house?" Dylan asked when we entered the foyer of the manor.

"Yes sweetie. Let's go see grandpa and Uncle Zac, okay." I held his hand and walked towards the t.v room where I could hear cheering. I saw Zac standing by the couch with his hands placed on his waist while Dad's sitting patiently, they were too engrossed and focused in watching the football game that they didn't notice us so when my idiot of a brother cursed, I immediately covered Dylan's ears and uttered, "Language."

Both of them turned their heads towards us, Dad smiled lovingly to me and Dylan while Zac asked me.

"Nick's here?"

We walked towards the couch and Dylan immediately hugged daddy.

"Hello, gwanpa." Dad laughed and hugged him and placed him to his lap.

"Nope, it's just the two of us. Nick's in Italy for 6 days so Dylan's staying with me." I took a grape from the coffee table and ate it.

"Hi, Uncle Zac." Dylan greeted my brother while he's sitting on dad's lap.

"Hello, young man, I thought you forgot about me. Come here and give me a hug." Zac picked Dylan from my dad abruptly and tickled him.

"Mommy help me. Uncle Zac's tickling me. Mommy!!!" Dylan giggled while shouting for help. Zac stopped immediately and looked at me questioningly and mouthed "Mommy?"

I nodded and smirked at him, I took Dylan from him and sat beside Dad to smoothen his clothes and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, mommy." Dylan thanked me and played with his toy car. I looked at Zac and laughed because he couldn't believe what he just heard.

"Can we talk outside? Dad, do you mind?" Zac asked in confusion and Dad nodded. I kissed my son's forehead and spoke to him.

"Dylan, mommy will just talk to uncle Zac outside, okay. You play with grandpa, be a good boy." I told him carefully and he nodded at me.

"Mommy?" Zac asked immediately when we're out of Dylan's earshot.

"Yes. I am his mommy." I said flatly at him and he just ran a hand on his face.

"So you agree now? To marry Niccolo?" He leaned his side to the wall and asked me seriously.

I just smiled at him and he frowned and held both of my shoulders.

"Olivia, this is not a game. Don't give any false hopes to the kid if you're not going to marry his dad. At least don't make him believe that you're his mom." He looked me in the eye seriously and I can see disappointment in it. What? Did he think that I was only toying Dylan's feelings? I shrugged my shoulders to remove his hands.

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