Chapter 31

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Niccolo Knights

I lied to Olivia when I said I can't be contacted today because I was going to have a meeting, the truth was, I was on my to my parents' house to ask for Nana's explanation regarding the scene she pulled yesterday. I didn't get why she did that to Olivia, she was not that kind of a person who humiliates someone just like that. She never did that to Jesse and from what I remembered she welcomed her with open arms, now I was confused as hell as to why she humiliated my girlfriend in front of our family as well as my friends.

Last night, after I went home with Dylan, I told Maria to take my son to his room for I will go to Tony's house. I told him what happened because I was so mad as well as guilty as to what Olivia endured. Of course Tony went mad, I mean who wouldn't right? But he assured me that Olivia would get through this and that she's a strong woman.

Seeing how she handled herself last night made me respect her even more, she had a lot of control in her. If I was on her place I would've flip out and give them all a piece of my mind. But she's not, she answered Nana formally and with respect, she even thanked everyone before we went home. If that's not polite to you, I don't know what is.

Now speaking of giving a piece of my mind, I arrived at my parents' house and parked my car. I know everyone's in here because that's just how our family was every after Bake Sale so I sported my most serious face and knocked loudly at the door and was opened by my sister, Tessa.

"Oh hi, Nick." She greeted me  cheerfully but when she saw my face, she quietly gasped. Good. This would set the mood.

"Where?" I entered our foyer and looked around.

"In the garden." She whispered. I went to the garden quickly and saw dad and Jericho roasting some meat while mom and Jesse are setting up the table, Nana on the other hand was sitting at one of the rattan chairs reading a book. My mom saw me first and greeted me.

"Niccolo, you're here? Are you alone?" Mom asked and went up to me and hugged me but I evaded her hug and went straight to the point.

"Yes, I am alone. Now can somebody tell me what happened yesterday? Nana, care to tell me why you humiliated Olivia, my girlfriend, in front of so may people? When she did nothing but be kind to everyone?" I asked while raising my voice. I stood in the middle of the garden so I can see all of them. Elly got startled with my voice so she went to Tessa right away and Jesse asked Tessa to play with Elly inside. Tessa hesitated because I know she wanted to see what's going to happen here.

"Niccolo, calm down. You sit down first and we'll..." Mom held my arm to drag me to one of the chairs but I didn't bulge.

"I'm not going to calm down, I already did enough of that last night. So Nana, kindly enlighten me." I said angrily.

"Because I don't like her and she's not the one for you and for your son so forget about marrying her, Niccolo." Nana stated calmly and placed her book beside her.

"Why? Was it because of the news about her? Oh my God, those were just fake news, a fucking twisted lie that's made to make her look like she's a bitch when the truth is, she's far from that. You saw how she reacted last night, every time you put her to shame she replied politely and never even talked back to you. You couldn't even see it in her face that she's mad or whatsoever." I said in frustration.

She scoffed. "That's because she's a two-faced person, Niccolo. And her reputation with men, that's just shameful. What kind of girl who stayed in a man's house especially a single dad, for a night when she's not even married to him. Couldn't she think that maybe she would get impregnated by you? Also, who would kiss another guy when she's currently in a relationship with you? I saw the video on how she kissed that actor and she looked so professional in that field. Oh and not to mention on how she worked her lips on your neck last night, Nick. Did you see your face last night? There were lipstick smudge on your lips, God knows what you two did before coming here. That's promiscuous." She spit those words with venom.

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