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Here's another chapter!

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"Her grace, Mom Luang Warattaya Nilkuha," the butler intoned majestically from the doorway of the drawing room where Mom Luang Prama Imanotai Kreepolrerk, was seated. The butler stepped aside, and an imposing old woman marched in, trailed by her harassed-looking solicitor. Prama Kreepolrerk looked at her, his piercing hazel eyes alive with hatred.

"Don't bother to rise, Kreepolrerk," the older lady snapped sarcastically, glaring at him when he remained deliberately and insolently seated.

Perfectly still, he continued to regard her in icy silence. In his mid fifties, Prama Kreepolrerk was still an attractive man, with thick, silver-streaked hair and hazel eyes, but illness has taken its toll on him. He was too thin for his tall frame and his was deeply etched with lines of strain and fatigue.

Unable to provoke a response from him, the lady rounded the butler. "This room is too hot!" she snapped, rapping her jeweled-handled cane upon the floor. "Draw the curtains and let in some air."

"Leave them!" Prama barked, his voice seething with the loathing that the mere sight of her evoked in him.

The lady turned a withering look in his direction. "I have not come here to suffocate," she stated ominously.

"Then get out."

Her thin body stiffened into a rigid line of furious resentment. "I have not come here to suffocate," she repeated through tightly clenched teeth. "I have come here to inform you of my decision regarding Ice's children."

"Do it," Prama snapped, "and then get out!"

Her eyes narrowed to furious slits and the air seemed to crackle with her hostility, but instead of leaving, she slowly lowered herself into a chair. Despite her advanced years, the duchess sat as regally erect as a queen, a purple turban perched upon her white head in place of a crown, a cane in her hand instead of a scepter.

Prama watched her with wary surprise, for he had been certain she'd insisted upon this meeting only so she could have the satisfaction of telling him to his face that the relocation of Ice's children was none of his business. He had not expected her to sit down as if she had something more to say.

"You have seen the boys' photograph," she stated.

His gaze dropped to the picture in his hand and his long fingers tightened convulsively, protectively around it. Naked pain darkened his eyes as he stared at Thanapon. He was the image of his mother despite his obvious masculinity – the image of his beautiful, beloved Ice.

"Thanapon is the image of his mother," the lady snapped suddenly.

Prama lifted his gaze to hers and his face instantly hardened. "I am aware of that."

"Good. Then you will understand why I will not have that boy in my house. I'll take the other one." Standing up as if her business had been concluded, she glanced at her solicitor. "See that Dr. Chanakorn receives a check to cover his expenses, and another check to cover transport for the younger boy."

"Yes, my lady," her solicitor said, bowing. "Will there be anything more?"

"There will be a great deal more," she snapped, her voice strained and tight. "I shall have to launch the boy into society, I shall have to find a favourable partner for him, I – "

"What about Thanapon?" Prama interrupted fiercely. "What do you plan to do about the older boy?"

Lady Warattanya glowered at him. "I've already told you – that one reminds me of his mother, and I won't have him in my house. If you want him, you can take him. You wanted his mother rather badly, as I recall. And Ice obviously wanted you – even when she was dying, she still spoke your name. You can shelter Ice's image instead. It will serve you right to have to look at the chit."

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