Chapter 5

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Another long chapter ,brace yourselves.

I would like to reiterate that this is a fanfiction and I'm not an expert about Thai royal positions/titles and culture, so please forgive any inaccuracies. Or you can point it out and explain it to me I'll be more than happy to learn. ;))

Enjoy reading!

Let's see now what awaits Tee...


Sunlight streamed in through the opened windows and breeze glided through the room, softly caressing Tee's face. Somewhere below, a car honked on the paved drive, and two birds landed simultaneously on his windowsill, embarking on a noisy quarrel over territorial rights. Their irate chirping slowly penetrated Tee's slumber, stirring him from happy dreams of home.

Still half-asleep, he rolled over onto his stomach, burrowing his face into the pillow. Instead of the slightly rough fabric that covered his pillow at home that smelled of sunshine and soap, his cheek encountered smooth silk. Dimly aware that he was not in his own bed with his mother downstairs making breakfast, Tee squeezed his eyes closed, trying to recapture his tranquil dreams, but it was already too late. Reluctantly, he turned his head and opened his eyes.

In the bright light of mid-morning, he stared at the silver and blue draperies that surrounded his bed like a silken cocoon, and his mind abruptly cleared. He's at Khon Kaen. He had slept straight through the night.

Shoving his tousled hair out of his eyes, he pulled himself up into a sitting position and leaned back against the pillows.

"Good morning, Khun Tee," Greeted Shone, standing at the opposite side of the bed.

Tee stifled a scream of shock.

"I didn't mean to startle you," the little servant apologized hastily, "but his grace is downstairs and he said to ask if you would join him for breakfast."

Vastly encouraged by the news that his relative actually wished to see him, Tee flung back the covers.

"I've pressed your clothes for you," Shone said opening the wardrobe. "Which one would you like to wear?"

Tee chose the best of the five - a soft black button up Chinese collar long sleeves, embellished with tiny white leaves his mother carefully embroidered and black pants. Refusing Shone's offer to help him dress after washing himself quickly, Tee pulled the shirt over his undershirt and patted his pants.

While Shone made the bed and tidied the spotless room, Tee looked into the mirror to comb his hair. "I'm ready", he told Shone, his eyes alight with hopeful anticipation and his cheeks blooming with healthy color. "Could you tell me where to find... ah... his grace?"


Tee's indoor shoes sank into the thick red carpet as Shone led him down the foyer to where two footmen were standing guard beside a pair of richly carved mahogany doors. Before he had time to draw a steadying breath, the footmen swept the doors open with a soundless flourish, and Tee found himself stepping into a room perhaps fifty feet in length, dominated by a long mahogany table centered beneath three gigantic chandeliers dripping with crystal. He thought the room was empty at first, as his gaze moved over the high-backed gold velvet chairs that marched along both sides of the endless table. And then he heard the rustle of paper coming from the chair at the near end of the table. Unable to see the occupant, he walked slowly around to the side and stopped. "Good morning," he said softly.

Prama's head snapped around and he stared at him, his face draining color. "Almighty God!" he breathed, and slowly came to his feet, his gaze clinging to the young man standing before him. He saw Ice, exactly as she had looked so many years ago, less the long hair. How well, and how lovingly, he remembered that incredibly defined, fine-boned face with its gracefully winged eyebrows and long, thick lashes framing eyes the color of night sky. He recognized that soft, smiling mouth, the elegant nose, that tiny, enchanting dimple, and his stubborn chin, and the glorious mass of his silk black hair.

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