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Here's another chapter.

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"Khun Suradet Jarujitranon?" the gentleman inquired politely, stepping aside as three burly porters with heavy sacks slung over their shoulders elbowed past him and strode off down the terminal.

"I am he," Bas said, his voice trembling with fright and excitement as he gazed at the impeccably dressed, white-haired man.

"I have been instructed be her lady, Mom Luang Warattaya Nilkuha, to escort you to her home. Where are your luggages?"

"Right here," Bas answered lifting the luggage in his left hand. "There's only one."

He glanced over his shoulder and another man climbed off a shiny black car with a gold crest on the door and hurried forward. "In that case, we can be on our way," the man said as the luggage was lifted and loaded to the back of the car.

"But what about my P'?" Bas said, his hand clasping Tee's in a stranglehold of eager terror.

"I'm certain that the person meeting your P' will be here shortly. Your train arrived sooner than expected.

"Don't worry about me," Tee said with a bright confidence he didn't quite feel. "I'm certain they will be here any minute. In the meantime, Khun Manee will let me stay at their lounge," mentioning the staff they've befriended during the trip for Bas' comfort. "Run along now."

Tee stayed where he was, watching Bas climb into the luxurious vehicle with the gold crest on the door. After the man closed the door, Bas immediately looked through the window and waved goodbye.

Tee sighed deeply and sat on the provided benches for waiting passengers, studying the bustle of the environment. He had never felt so utterly alone in his life.


It was almost evening when a harassed looking man approached him.

"Khun Thanapon Jarujitranon?" The man removed his hat upon seeing Tee's nod and whipped the sweat running down his forehead. "I apologize for being late Khun Thanapon, there was some small accident on the way here, and I needed to change car." The man continued to explain wringing his hat through his hand.

"It's alright Khun, are you okay though? Are you hurt?" Tee responded worriedly.

The man smiled at the young gentleman, "I'm fine Khun Thanapon, it was the car that took all the damage. I am khun Sukrit , I am one of Mom Luang Prama's servant by the way."

Tee waied at the elder guy and smiled. "You can call me Tee, P'Sukrit."

"Uyy, no need to call me P', Khun Thanapon," Sukrit bashfully replied. "Where is your luggage? let me get them and let's be on our way."

"Please P', call me Tee. I won't be comfortable if you call me like that."

"Okay khrap, Khun Tee." Sukrit nodded and opened the door for Tee and putting the luggage in the back after.

"I should inform Khun Tee that we will not be going to Bangkok, I was instructed by Mom Luang Prama to deliver you to his nephew's house in Khon Kaen, he will join you there instead." The driver enlightened his passenger. "It will be not more than four hours; we can stop by at the border of the city for you to eat – "

"It's okay Khun Sukrit, I'm not hungry. We can go to Khon Kaen from here." Tee interrupted the older guy a bit awkwardly, he doesn't want to prolong this trip, hopefully immediately meet his uncle. Not to mention that he's already exhausted from the train trip.

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