Chapter 11

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Hello there!

How you guys doing?

Just want to remind you guys again that this story is just a fan fiction, not related to TaeTee's real life. Golly! 

Also, in this world its normal for males to have male husbands and that males can get pregnant, males also offer dowries in marriage (basically both party exchange dowries,not just one party). In this world, debut is a kind of tradition where males and females introduce themselves to the society in a party, in hopes that they can meet/catch a husband or wife.

Let me know if some part are still vague.

Enjoy reading!


The moment the Varodoms left, Tae headed straight for the library, where Prama had vanished an hour before.

Prama laid his book aside at once and beamed at Tae. "Did you observe Nong'Tee's demeanor at supper tonight?" he asked eagerly. "Isn't he splendid? He has such charm, such poise, such understanding. I nearly burst with pride watching him! Why, he's—"

"Take him to Bangkok tomorrow," Tae cut in shortly. "Khun Janean can join you there for the season."

"Bangkok!" Prama sputtered. "But why? Why must we hurry?"

"I want him away from Khon Kaen and off my hands. Take him to Bangkok and find him a wife or a husband, whatever. The season begins in a fortnight."

Prama paled, but his voice was determined. "I think I'm entitled to an explanation for this sudden decision of yours."

"I gave you one—I want him away from here and permanently off my hands. That's explanation enough."

"It isn't as easy as that," Prama protested desperately. "I can't simply advertise in the newspaper for a spouse for him. We have to go about it properly—by entertaining and formally introducing him to society."

"Then take him there and get started!"

Raking his hand through his gray hair, Prama shook his head, trying to dissuade Tae. "My house isn't in any condition to give parties—"

"Use mine," Tae said.

"Then you can't stay there," Prama objected, searching wildly for obstacles to throw in the way of the plan. "If you do, everyone will assume Nong'Tee is another one of your conquests—and a brazen one, to boot. The fact that you're supposedly betrothed to him won't carry any weight."

"Whenever I'm in the city, I'll stay at your house," Tae said briskly. "Take my staff from here with you—they can be ready for a party at a day's notice. They've done so before."

"What about clothes and party invites and—"

"Have Khun Janean take Khun Tee to the best tailor - monsieur Dumosse - and tell them that I want Khun Tee to have the best— immediately. Janean will know how to go about getting invitations to anyone's party. What else?"

"What else?" Prama burst out. "To begin with, Dumosse is so famous even I've heard of him. He won't have time to make outfits for Tee, not with the season almost upon us."

"Tell Dumosse I said to use his own judgment on Khun Tee's wardrobe and to spare no expense. Khun Tee's face and stature will be a challenge for him; he'll outfit Tee so that he outshines every insipid willowy brunette in Bangkok. He'll do it if he has to go without sleep for the next two weeks, and then he'll charge me double his usual exorbitant price to compensate himself for the inconvenience. I've been through all this before," he finished briskly. "Now, since everything is settled, I have work to do."

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