Chapter 9

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Are you guys ready for some action?

Well, I am! XD

Enjoy reading!


"I CAN'T TELL YOU HOW SORRY I AM ABOUT LAST NIGHT," Prama told Tee at breakfast the next morning, his face lined with worry and contrition. "I was wrong to announce your betrothal to Tae, but I had so hoped the two of you might suit. As for Lady Tida, she is an old hag, and her daughter's been dangling after Tae for two years, which is why they both came galloping over here to have a look at you."

"There's no need to explain all that again, Uncle Prama," Tee said kindly. "No harm was done."

"Perhaps not, but in addition to all her other unpleasant qualities, Tida is the worst of gossips. Now that she knows you're here, she'll make certain everyone else does, which means we'll soon be deluged with visitors eager to have a look at you. That, in turn, means a suitable chaperone will have to be present so that no one can cast aspersions on you for living with two men." He glanced up as Tae walked in, and Tee tensed, praying that their truce of last night would hold up in the light of day.

"Tae, I was just explaining to Nong'Tee the need for a chaperone. I've sent for Khun Janean," he added, referring to Tae's maiden aunt, who had once helped care for little Tin. "She's the perfect companion, and she's my only female relative, and the only acceptable chaperone for Nong'Tee that I know of. Not only does she have exquisite fashion taste Janean also know how to go about in society."

"Fine," Tae said absently, coming to stand beside Tee's chair. He looked down at him, his expression unfathomable. "I trust you're suffering no ill effects from your foray into deprivation last night with the brandy?"

"None at all," Tee said brightly. "Actually, I rather liked it, once I became accustomed to it."

A lazy smile slowly dawned across Tae's tanned face and Tee's heart skipped a beat. Tae Darvid Kreepolrerk had a smile that could melt a glacier! "Beware of liking it overmuch—" he said, and teasingly added, "—cousin."

Lost in hopeful plans to make Khun Luang Tae his friend, Tee paid no further attention to what the two men were discussing until Tae spoke directly to him. "Did you hear me, Khun Tee?"

Tee looked up blankly, a bit surprised at the sudden call of his nickname from the Khun Luang. "I'm sorry, I wasn't listening."

"On Friday, I'm expecting a visit from a neighbor who has just returned from France," Tae repeated. "If he brings his spouse, I'd like to introduce you to them." Tee's momentary flash of pleasure at his seeming friendliness was doused by his blunt explanation for it. "The Khun Luang Varodom's spouse is an excellent example of how you ought to conduct yourself in society. You would be wise to observe his behavior and emulate him."

Tee flushed, feeling like an ill-behaved child who has just been told he ought to follow someone else's example. Moreover, he had already met four members of the high society— Uncle Prama, Khun Luang Tae, Lady Tida Ngamsakem, and Miss Fah Ngamkasem. With the exception of uncle Prama, he found them all very difficult to deal with, and he did not relish the prospect of meeting two more. Nevertheless, he stifled his ire and set aside his dread. "Thank you," he said politely. "I'll look forward to meeting them both."

Tee spent the next four days pleasantly occupied with writing letters or in Prama's company. In the afternoon of the fifth day, he went down to the kitchens for another plate of scraps for Willie.

"That animal is going to be fat enough to ride if you continue feeding him this way," Mrs. Boon-Mee warned him good-naturedly.

"He has a long way to go before that," Tee said, returning the cook's smile. "May I have that large bone over there, too—or are you planning to use it for soup?"

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