Chapter 12

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This is one of those 'boring' chapters, as they say, as this is just a filler . But these chapters are important as they will give you an insight of the characters' life before they met  each other. *cough-Tae-is-a-bastard-cough*

Also, I do apologize if I murdered Thailand's royal/nobility titles. I wished my brain cells can hold hands as to let me understand it. Please bear in mind that this is fanfiction and the name of a person, place, or event does not in any way relate in real life.

If y'all good let's continue. 


The Gazette and the Times reported two days later that Mom Rajawongse Thanapon Jarujitranon—whose betrothal to Khun Luang Tae Darvid Kreepolrerk, heir to Mom Luang Prama Imanotai Kreepolrerk, had been previously announced—would be making his formal bow to society at a ball to be given in a fortnight by his cousin.

No sooner had Bangkok's high society digested that exciting news than they witnessed a sudden burst of activity at the Kreepolrerk's palatial Bangkok home.

First came two vehicles accommodating, in addition to lesser servants, Mr. Pawat, the butler; Ohm, the head footman; and Mrs. Boon-Mee, the cook. These vehicles were soon followed by larger carriages, which contained the housekeeper, several housemaids, three kitchen porters, four subordinate footmen, and a mountain of trunks.

Shortly thereafter another car arrived bearing Khun Janean, the khun luang's maiden aunt, a slim lady with a pink-cheeked face framed by long black locks. Khun Janean, who was a well-known figure among the 'Quality', climbed down from the coach, waved gaily to two of her friends who were passing by, and rushed up the front steps of her great-nephew's mansion.

All of this activity was duly noted by the elegant ladies and gentlemen who paraded leisurely along the street in their gorgeous finery, but none of it created the wild stir of attention that was generated the next day when witnesses observed Khun Luang Tae Darvid Kreepolrerk's sleek black car pulling up smartly before the house.

From the sumptuous interior of the crested vehicle emerged Prama Kreepolrerk, followed by a young man who could only be Tae Kreepolrerk's promised spouse. The young man stepped gracefully down the car steps, and paused, gazing in smiling disbelief at the lavish four-story mansion with its wide bow windows.

"Good God, that's him!" young Lord Suparat exclaimed from his vantage point across the street. "That's Khun Chai Thanapon Jarujitranon," he added, enthusiastically digging his elbow into his companion's chest for emphasis.

"How d'you know?" Lord Tangsrisuk demanded, smoothing a nonexistent wrinkle from his injured jacket.

"It's plain to the humblest intelligence who he is—look at him, he's a beauty. An Incomparable."

"You can't see his face," his friend pointed out reasonably.

"I don't have to, idiot. If he weren't beautiful, he'd never have wrung an offer out of Kreepolrerk. Have you ever seen him with anyone who wasn't a raving beauty?"

"No," Lord Tangsrisuk admitted. Raising his quizzing glass, he squinted through it and emitted a low, surprised whistle looking at the newly arrived.

Lord Tangsrisuk lowered his glass as he sent a smug look at his friend. "I believe my Aunt is acquainted with Mom Luang Prama—she'll get an invitation to Khun Chai Thanapon's ball. Think I'll tag along with her to it and—" He stopped speaking and gaped as the young man under discussion turned back to the car and called out something. An instant later, a huge silver and gray beast hurtled out and bounded to his heel, whereupon the trio proceeded up the front steps. "Damn my eyes if that wasn't a wolf!" Lord Tangsrisuk breathed in awe.

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