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"Anthony getcho' ass up." My momma yelled fa' the fifth time.

I heard her, but I was tryna' get extra hours of sleep. Niggas was at work all night.

"If she don't shut the hell up." I sighed pushin' my face deeper in the pillow.

Eventually, I was no longer able ta' sleep so I got up, but since I won't able ta' sleep, nobody can. I picked my phone up to facetime Ryan. She didn't pick up the first time  so I called seven more times.

"On your life you better be dying." She whined, upset that I woke her up.

"Nah. What you doin'?" I teased gettin' up ta' brush my teeth.

"Going the fuck to sleep."

"You off today?"

"Yes August , I am. Why?"

"Be ready at 4, we goin' ona picnic."

"Where did I say I wanted to."

"I said what I said."

She sighed, we said our goodbyes and she hung up. I threw my phone on the bed and a knocked formed at my door.


"It's me unc."

I opened the door allowing her to come in.

" I was eavesdroppin' and I wanna go."

"Go whea'?"

"With you."

"I'm goin' ona some only grown folks can go on."

"Ok and?"

Knowin' this wasn't a argument I would win, I agreed.

"Ryan gon' be there." I said in hopes that it would change ha' mind.

"Das' fine. I luh ha'."

Mentally cursin' and sighing I told her to be ready by three. With that she skipped out my room and I laying back on my bed.

"So much fa' that."

It was now 3 and I was preparin' for my outing.

"Where you goin'?" Melvin busted in my room with Travis.

"Bruh, what if my dick was out?"

"Ain' shit ta' see." Travis sucked his teeth.

"Ask yo' bitch." I snapped back makin' Mel choke in his cereal.

"Boy i'a kill her and tie you to the back of my car and race, suck my dick." We all busted out laughin' as I searched for some to wear.

"Whea' this bean head ass nigga goin'? Searchin' deep for clothes and shit."

"Bro, Travis you ignorant son." Melvin hit is legs. "But whea' you goin' forreal?"

"Taking Ryan out."

"Aw shit." Travis ran out the room. "Y'all August goin' ona date!"

"Damn lah' Ryry gotchu whipped."

"Y'all some bitch ass niggas, on my mother."

"Don't put shit on me." She said walkin' past.

"Everyone get the fuck out before I start shootin'."

They left because they knew I wont bullshittin'.

I threw on somethin' simple and made sure Kay was dressed. Afta' playin 21 questions with everyone, I was finally out the house.
"Should we paint or draw?" I asked Kayden.

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