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I jumped in the shower. Today was the start of our two week vacation. After finishing, I threw on gray sweats and a gray cropped sweater set.

"Mhm." I tapped my chin, looking at my shoes.

Picking some white Air Force 1's, I went downstairs to eat something.

"Y'all wack as fuck." My mom laughed burping the baby.

I scrunched up my face.

"No they didn't coordinate, ok Jackson 9." My dad joined the laughter.

We all looked at each other seeing everyone's outfits were a gray and white combination.

"Nobody did that on purpose."

My mom grabbed her keys and we got in the car, taking the semi short drive to the airport.

"Y'all have everything?" We double checked and nodded.

"Tasers, shanks and pepper spray?" She whispered as we waited.

"Yes ms.girl, all packed."

"Ok, ok. Sorry, all my kids leaving."

"We'll be back in two weeks."

"Flight 32b."

"Thats us." Imani said.

She hugged us and we boarded the plane, luckily she got us seats near each other.

"You good mama?"

I nodded and squeezed my eyes shut, I genuinely hated planes.

"Breathe." He coached as we went up. "It's just turbulence."

Once that was over we got to unbuckle and I laid on him.

Jamaica , here we come!

"Oh my, this is nice." Dess squealed.

We just arrived at our private villa and our parents definitely went all out.

"Not this mufucka' got three infinity pools."

We dropped our luggage at the door and explored the house.

"This fridge fuller then a bitch." Arii yelled.

"The view is immaculate."

You could see the water from every side of the house, After picking our rooms, everyone settled down.

"Whats first?" Maleek asked in a yawn.

"I would like to sleep, I'm tired."

"What my baybeh said."

"I agree, it's not getting dark anytime soon, lets just chill." Karter said making us go to our separate rooms.

"Bae they gotta jacuzzi innis bitch."

"We can use it." "

"Say less." He jumped in the bed and closed the curtain.

"Let's sleep so we can explore then break the bed in."

"Okay mama."

He laid his head on my chest, and I played in his hair until we fell asleep.



"Yes love?"

I looked up at Chris who was making faces in the mirror, pulling my phone out I recorded him.

"Im not tired."

"Me either." He laid on top of me, playing with the frills of my shorts making me end the video.

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