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"If I'm not a milf, I won't feel like I accomplished anything in life." I said, popping popcorn in my mouth.

"Right." Imani agreed. "My black better not crack unless I'm six feet under."

"Can I get a amen?" Dess yelled, making me laugh.

We were in my room gossiping, while the boys played the game downstairs. Today was the one day that everyone was off, and had no plans. It allowed us to have downtime, something that was uncommon.

"I'm happy Arii took one for the team and had a baby, because I won't be anytime soon."

"How much do y'all wanna bet that Imani's next?"

"A band." Chris cheesed, plopping on the bed.

"You fucking wish."

They started bickering and eventually everyone else came upstairs.

"Y'all don't fuck on this right?" Maleek scrunched his face up, looking at my chair.

"No nigga."

They sat down and engaged in a conversation, while I just stared.

"I wish y'all were drug dealers."

"Ryan be thinking the dumbest shit bro." Tae laughed.

"Then got the nerve to say the shit out loud."

"Shit." I looked at a reminder pop up on my phone. "Chay birthday coming up."

"Oh yeah, she havin' a party and wants y'all there."

"And let the fast ass 9 year olds try to grope me ? No thanks."

"Chris is so fucking dumb yo."

We veered away from that conversation, and started talking about parenthood.

"My kids can start dating for real at 16."

"I agree with Ryan." Dess chimed in.

"My son can, my daughter can't."

I looked at August and scrunched my face up.

"If that won't the most sexy shit I ever heard bro." Chris said with a straight face, like he said the right word.

"Nigga its what?"

"Y'all know my baby meant sexist." Imani managed to get out, while laughing.

"Kailee not dating until she's 34."

"And I'll be the auntie that let's her do whatever."

"You'll also be the auntie who she sees in a casket."

I rolled my eyes at him, because death threats weren't necessary.

"Y'all lets get high and become rappers."

"Thats actually a lock."

"Let me put Boopy in her crib."

Watching them roll, I leaned back on my bed. I kept holding my breathe, to prepare myself for the blunt. Once Imani came back, they cracked my window and we smoked.

"The weed kicks my ass everytime." I choked.

"Right, I got athlete lungs."

They passed the third blunt and my eyes were barely open. I smiled to myself knowing I was out my body. This blunt passing me, and I wanted to turn it down, but why stop now?

"What to eat?"

"Wings." Everyone said in unison.

"Slushies too please."

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