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I woke around 9 the next morning. After cleaning up Karter's mess, my mom explain everything. She was five months pregnant.

It was a bittersweet moment because I was happy that this would be the first baby they could financially support, seeing that she was 16 when she had my brother and 17 when she had me, but it was sad because I wouldn't be here to watch the baby grow up. Deciding not to dwell on it, I got up and started self pampering, as this was the first down day i've had all week.

I put on a face mask and laid back in the bed receiving a facetime call from Imani. We talked for a bit before I hung up and went downstairs. Entering the kitchen I bumped into my dad.

"You aren't upset right?" He asked genuinely as I poured cranberry juice in my cup.

"No? Why would I be?"

"I don't know, you're the youngest and y'all be weird."

"No daddy, I'm happy."

"Ok good." He leaned up from the counter. "Just know you'll always be my first princess." He kissed my forehead and walked out.

My dumbass stood there with a lump in my throat, I don't know why I wanted to cry. Getting myself together, I finished doing what I was doing and went back upstairs. At this point I was bored out of my mind and it was only 11 in the morning. Picking up my phone, I called August.

"Hey ma, Wassup?" He shifted getting in the camera.

"Well." I dragged picking my nails. "I tried to take a day to myself but im bored."

"So you decided to bother me."

"Yes duh."

He screamed and one making me roll my eyes.

"Why not bother me in person." He screamed making me roll my eyes. "AND ONE BITCH."

"I'm fine here." I got up and went to the bathroom to remove my face mask.

"Girl bring yo ass over here."

"What if I dont want to." I sucked my teeth and put a toner on my face.

"Wasn't a question, i'll see you soon." With that he hung up.

Turning on music, I picked my outfit and flat ironed my hair.

"This 32 inch is pressed to the Gawds honey." I boosted myself swinging my hair in the mirror.

After getting dressed I knocked on my parents door.

"We aren't here." My mom yelled turning up the tv.

"I'm going to August's house, I'll be back."


It had been like 30 minutes so since I hung up on Ryan and there was a knock on the front door. I went downstairs ta' open it but my mama beat me to it.

"Hey baybeh." I heard her voice.

Since I knew they would be down there fa' a while, I walked back in my room, Cause what I look like waitin'. Ryan came into my room with like ten minutes later with food.

"Fat ass."

"I know this ass fat." She twerked passin' me my food out the Popeyes bag.

"I knew I love you fa' a reason."

She sat on the bed and ate her food, occasionally feedin' me while I played the game.

"MONEY BITCH." I yelled makin' a three.

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