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"Ma'am if you hurt my daughter, I might accidentally hit you."

I was sitting in the car, holding Kailee so she could get her ears pierced. I didn't even want to do this but they made me. Ryan looked at me and shook her head, making Chris laugh.

"It's going to be a little pinch, so she might cry."

"Make it not hurt."

"Its a fuckin' piercin' gun Karter, what the hell is it supposed to feel like?"

"Not everything is sunshine and rainbows."

"How about Maleek and August both suck my dick." I mugged them.

"Niggas act so hard, knowin' he's soft."

"Im only soft for my daughter bitch."

"And me, the fuck."

"Sometimes my sister."

" You a whole softie when it comes to Ryan." Imani laughed.

"Okay and?" I scrunched my face up. "She was my first daughter."

We started arguing and I heard Kai start to whimper. I looked down and back up at the lady.

"All done." She smiled.

"I'm over people doin' shit ta' her when we're not lookin'."

I paid the lady and she started telling me the cleaning instructions. Once she was done, we left and went to the food court. I stood in the line for pizza and everyone else was dispersed around the food court.

Niggas cant ever agree on the same thing.

"What can I get you?" The girl asked seductively.

I just know this not the bitch from work.

I wiped my face and looked up again, seeing it was Stacey. I was honestly tired of her ass and I've told her constantly I had a wife and a kid.

"Girl." I looked down at Kailee making sure I could see her. "Anyways, can I have two slices of pizza, four wings and a strawberry lemonade."


"You aren't going to tell me the price?"

"Its on the house boo." She winked and switched away.

"I can't wait to tell Imani this shit." I laughed, waiting on the side for my food.

She came back and passed me my food.

"Can I have some ranch?"

"You could have whatever you like honestly." She passed me some ranch's and napkins.

I nodded and walked to the table that they were at.

"How much was your food?" Ryan asked, since I came over when they were talking about food prices.


"And for the fuck what?" Imani scrunched her face up.

"The girl was flirting, she gave me her number too." I passed Imani the napkin with her number on it. "I work with her and she bothers me 25/8, always on my dick."

"She saw Kailee right?" Ryan asked, standing up.

This is the moment I've been waiting for.

"Yep, she said fuck that baby and that she don't care."

I was lying like hell about that, but I really needed them to go check for, cause I'm tired of her.

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