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"Kai cmon mama."

It been two more weeks and things were getting better around the house. We spoke more, and everyone came to terms with what was going on. It wasn't our ideal situation and yes, we had our bad days but Arii made it clear that we couldn't let go of ourselves.

Karter transferred to a college closer, so that mom could help him with the baby. It was still a basketball school, so he'd be living his dream, just closer to home this time. As for Ariiyah, we didn't know. She still wasn't allowed to be awake and her body was know fighting another infection from the feeding tubes, but I wasn't going to let her go. She deserved a chance to live and I was going to give her that chance.

"G'morning baybeh." He pecked my nose. "What are we doin' today?"

"Boopy has a doctor's appointment today and I have to take Karter to work."

"Want me to come?"

I nodded and he went to get dressed. Looking down at Kailee I smiled, as she giggled at me.

"Bitch gimme my baby." Imani sat on the bed, taking her.

"Girl fuck you, this my baby." Tae said, removing her from Imani's arms.

"She looks like me, move around." Dess said walking in.

We started laughing because Kai did favor Destiny.

"All y'all shut the fuck up cause this my baby." Karter bragged taking her. "Straight from my ball sacks."

"You lame asab." Tae huffed.

"We'll be back."

I walked to the car and turned the air down. After sitting in it for a little while, I called August.

"Okay, yall can come downstairs."

I hung up the phone and connected my aux, seeing them walk out.

"Shotgun." August yelled after putting Kai in her carseat.

"Nigga, I'm leavin' first." Karter pushed him.

"Its my wife truck."

"Bitch." He scrunched his face up. "This my sister."

They both looked at me and I threw my hands up.

"One, stop cursing when my niece is around. Two, Karter sit in the front on the way to work and August get in when he leaves."

"Bitch ass nigga." Aug mumbled, sliding in the back seat.

"Where you going?" Imani asked, and I told her.

"We wanna come." Chris cheesed.

"Let me drop Karter off and I'll come back, but be dressed cause Boopy has an appointment."

She gave a thumbs up and her and Chris raced to the house. I smiled to myself, because they were genuinely cute

"Brah!" Karter screamed, watching them as well.


"I can't wait till my fiancé comes back so I can marry her then fuck her senseless."

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