Chapter 1: Blaze

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"Blaze!" Shouted a woman who was skinny, had long flowing black hair, had almond brown skin, and had a slash on her chin in the shape of an X. "Nhhhggggg. What time is it?" A young 12 year old boy who has almond brown skin like his mother, Red hair that was short and spikey. He wore a Black T-shirt with Dark Red basketball Shorts, that had a Black line going through them. *Looks at the clock* " what the- OH MY GOD WHY DIDN'T ANYONE WAKE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". The now named Blaze rushed downstairs to be met with his not so happy mother. "Hurry up and get ready and meet me in the backyard.". Blaze didn't exactly like training. You see there are 8 main elements. Fire, Water, Grass, Wind, Rock, Lightning, Plasma, and Ice. Blaze's mother has a Fire element. At the age of 12 is when you start to show your element. Depending on your parents and their elements gives you different chances. If both of your parents have elements than you have a one hundred percent chance of you having an element. If neither of your parents have a element than you won't have one. However if one parent has an element, but the other doesn't have one than you have a 50/50 chance of having an element.

In Blaze's backyard

"Alright Blaze let's start. It will be dodging again." His mother said standing on the opposite side of the yard setting her hands on fire. "Pfft. Dodging? With this light armour it's gonna be easy-". Blaze got cut off by a fireball almost hitting his foot launching him onto his back. "Run." His mother said as balls of fire appear behind her. Running he yelled "What happened to the warm-up!". "This is the warm-up!!!!!!!" She shouted loud enough so he could hear.

Later on that day

"H-how... Have.... you not... Gotten tired yet...." Blaze said as he tried to catch his breath. "That's enough for one day. C'mon. Let's go inside." She said walking into their house.

"You okay Blaze?". She asked a sad looking Blaze. "I wish dad was here to see me trying to tap into my powers.". "I know sweetie, but we can't do anything about it now. Tell you what? How about we get some strawberry ice cream and watch movies until it turns 12:00 AM!" There was only one thing that he could say about that: "YES!!!!!!!!!!".

And that's it all! This is my first story so please let me know what you think of it and please follow me!😚🤩😘😊😍🤗🤣🙂😅

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