Chapter 23

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Evangeline came up to my room around six with a tray of food for me.

‘Here’s your dinner Green, chick pea soup and some fresh bread to dip, eat the bread slowly okay?’

‘Sure, thanks for the soup.’

‘And Tristan, I want you to go downstairs and eat, it’s been too long since you last drank and I don’t think Green wants to see your dinner.’

I looked up confused, I’m missing something aren’t I?’

Tristan nodded, ‘I haven’t had blood for a while, sorry.’

‘It’s okay, go on. I’ll be fine up here.’

Evangeline smiled proudly, ‘I’m glad you understand hon, come Tristan. You need to eat and get a good night’s sleep.’

‘But mom, I don’t want to leave Green alone.’

She was starting to look annoyed with her son so I answered quickly, ‘Hey, I’m gonna go to sleep after I’ve eaten anyway.’

‘Okay.’ He said slowly looking to his mom who ushered him out of the room shooting me a thankful look.

My soup was green… and friggin amazing. Evangeline cooks like a goddess, now I know why the whole pack is always here.

There was a knock on the door, ‘Uh, come in.’

A short, pretty girl with copper coloured hair poked her head in, ‘Hi, I was wondering if you wantd some company.’ She looked nervous.

‘Sure, I’m Green.’

She smiled and sat on the edge of my bed, ‘I’m Amber.’ Niall’s crush.

‘Nice to meet you, you staying here tonight?’

‘No, my dad’s downstairs, he’s got some pack business to deal with. It was getting a little boring.’

I grinned, ‘Yeah they go on and on about that stuff don’t they.’

‘Yeah right! So you’re a blood wolf then?’

‘Yeah but my family hasn’t been part of a pack for generations although I think my dad wants us to join this one.’

‘That’s cool I guess, so Connor’s going to be down there?’

‘Yeah but his dad has to approve it before we join your pack.’

‘My pack? I’m not apart of the blood wolf pack.’ I said with a laugh.

‘Oh, but you’re always here and around the other guys at school. I assumed.’

‘I’m dating Tristan but my pack is technically the Blair Wolf pack.’

‘Don’t they hate us?’

I smiled, ‘Yeah, they tried to lock me up that’s why I’m stuck with an IV in my arm.’

‘Oh. That sucks, is that why that blonde guy was here a few days ago.’

‘Eric was here? Eric from school?’

‘Yeah, he was talking to Tristan they looked a little scary.’ She said.

‘Oh, I wonder why he was here.’

‘Beats me.’

‘I’ll ask Tristan tomorrow.’ I shrugged, ‘So do you know Niall?’

‘Sure, I’ve seen him around, he’s got really cute blonde hair with those dark roots.’ She was blushing!

‘He’s a nice guy, eats like a piggy but still cute.’

She nodded, ‘Yeah but that boy can cook!’

‘Really, I better get him to cook for me sometime.’

‘Yeah, soup.’ She giggled.

‘I’ll be on solids soon. Oh god, I sound like a baby.’

‘Nah, more a toddler.’

I glared at her, I’d kick your arse but, uh, Evangeline said I can’t get out of bed yet.’

At least she TRIED not to laugh at me.

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