Chapter 31

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Niall poked my check making me glare at him.

‘Go away or I’ll bite your finger.’

‘But this is fun!’

I glared at the blonde boy but said nothing, the huge cardboard box in my arms was stopping me from grabbing his hand.

‘Not for me! I can’t even punch you.’

‘It’s not my fault your hands are full.’ He chuckled.

‘It’s your stuff!’ I snapped but had to laugh when he pouted like a four year old.

‘You offered to help.’


He grinned and headed back to the truck to grab another box. Rolling my eyes I lugged my box into the little cottage so I could dump it inside.

Niall and Amber are moving into her grandparents old house, it’s just inside the woods but still close enough to the pack house so Amber’s dad can check in on her a few times a week. I’m still surprised her dad’s letting her move in with Niall even if it’s so close.

‘Green!’ I turned quickly and spotted Amber running towards me with a backpack in her arms.

‘Hey, where’ve you been all day?’

‘Sorry! I was with my dad, he wanted to have brunch.’

‘While we’ve been slaving away on your house?’ I joked.

‘I’m so sorry!’ She instantly panicked.

‘I was joking! Relax Amber.’

‘Oh. Oh right.’

‘Come on, I think there’s only a few boxes left.’ I nodded toward the kitchen, ‘Let’s get the boys something cold to drink.’

‘Good idea!’

I grinned as Amber rushed to get some glasses out of a box and dug through the newly stocked fridge.

‘Woah, slow down, let me help.’ I tried.

‘I got it, do you think the boys will like Apple-pear juice? It sounded nice when I saw it but I don’t know.’

‘Hey, if it’s cold they’ll love it Amber.’

She nodded and poured the juice slowly.

‘Is something wrong Amber? You’re not yourself.’

‘I’m just a little nervous about this now that it’s happening.’ She whispered.

‘You don’t want to live with Niall?’

She whipped around, ‘No! I really want to live with him I’m just scared he won’t like me anymore if he sees me all the time.’

‘Amber, he saw you all the time at the pack house the only difference is now you’re sharing a bed.’

‘I guess we did see each other a lot. Um, since we’re sleeping in the same bed,’ She blushed and forced the words out, ‘Do you think he’ll want to… do it?’

‘Has he ever tried anything with you.’ I asked knowing what the answer would be.

‘No, never. Just kissing.’

‘So do you really think Niall will try to make you do anything you’re not ready for?’

She smiled getting the point, ‘No, he wouldn’t. You’re right.’

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