Chapter 14

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I woke up to the warm sun on my face and the sound of muttering. Tristan sat next to me, shirtless with a grumpy look on his face. He was muttering under his breath about something.

‘Hi.’ I said tentatively.

‘You’re awake. Finally.’

‘How long was I asleep?’

‘About two days.’ He grinned, ‘I forgot to tell you, when you first turn seventeen and the wolf gene activates your emotions will be a little hard to control. It only last about a week though.’

‘That’s why I was so angry?’

‘Yep, you know you ripped a couple holes in my back right?’

‘Your fault for grabbing me like that.’

He rolled his eyes, ‘I was helping, jeez, you were going on about some stupid pack.’

I raised an eyebrow, ‘So your dad murdered a wolf from the Blair pack?’ He’d reminded me why I was so angry.

‘It was an accident.’ He defended quickly.

‘So he did do it?’

He groaned, ‘Yes.’

‘But he wasn’t punished?’

‘The only people that could punish an Alpha are another Alpha or the deceased’s family. They can challenge him to a fight to the death, if he wins then he’s no longer seen as guilty… or you know, he loses and dies.’

‘No one ever challenged him?’

He looked like he really didn’t want to talk about this, ‘The pack never knew that he died, the thought he’d run off with the Luna and cut off communications.’

‘Of course. When did it happen?’

‘About ten years ago.’

I would have been seven years old when my dad was killed. I felt a tear slip down my face at the thought of my father dying. I know he ran off and left me but he’s still my dad.

Tristan wiped the tear away and came to sit next to me on the bed, wrapping his arms around me, ‘Hey, hey, what’s the matter, why’re you crying?’

‘I’m from the Blair Pack you idiot.’

I felt his arm stiffen around me, ‘You knew him?’

‘He- he’s-‘ Tears streamed down my face and I couldn’t catch my breath.

‘He’s what?’

‘Jeremy Pierce was my dad.’ I got out through the tears.

‘Oh god.’ He cradled me closer.

‘He left us and I- I hated him for it but- but I never thought he was dead.’

‘I’m so sorry, I didn’t know. I never thought about it, to me it was just something that happened in the past. I knew he had a family but I never thought I’d meet them.’


He looked down at me, ‘You hate me don’t you?’

‘No. Just, shut up.’

I turned to face him, he looked surprised and guilty while my face was streaked with tears. I slipped my hand around his neck and brought my face closer to him, sniffing the familiar scent.

‘You smell like pine cones and mint.’

He cracked a small smile at that and that was all the encouragement I needed to lean forward and kiss him. It wasn’t like a normal first kiss which was a quick peck. This was full of need and passion, I felt almost desperate to have his arms around me. Tristan’s hands pulled me closer as he moaned into the kiss, I ended up on his lap, straddling him. Our bodies so close even a slip of paper could not be pushed in between us.

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