Chapter 32

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Ten years later.

‘Eah-wick! Uncle eah-wick!’

I smiled and watched my three year old daughter sprint to Eric as soon as she saw him walk through the door. He scooped her up and spun around holding my little girl in the air. He still hasn’t learnt not to do that, even after she threw up on him.

‘If she hurls on you again don’t come crying to me.’ Tristan said with a smirk.

‘Nah, I’ll dodge it this time.’ He stopped nonetheless.

I rolled my eyes from where I stood in the kitchen with my son, Gabriel, he’s only just been allowed to come home from the hospital three days ago. A tiny, happy bungle with pink cheeks and fingers like a porcelain doll.

Coming out to where the boys could see me I smiled at Eric, ‘Hey, glad you could make it.’

‘Wouldn’t miss meeting… uh, you haven’t told me its name.’

‘He’s not an it,’ I scolded, ‘He’s Gabriel.’

‘Well you two waited till he was born to figure out the sex so it was the only word I could call him,' I frowned.  "Cute name though.’

‘Thanks and I didn’t want to know if I was having a boy or girl.’

Tristan groaned from behind me, ‘It was hell waiting to know.’

‘Sorry hon.’ I pecked his cheek and turned to Eric, ‘Want to hold him?’

His face brightened, ‘Yeah!’

‘Woah, sit down when you hold him.’ Tristan said with menace in his voice.

‘Why!?’ He whined.

‘You dropped Ella.’ Tris deadpanned.

Eric blushed, ‘She was wiggling.’

I rolled my eyes, Niall almost killed Eric when he dropped his daughter. I think he would have murdered him if Amber hadn’t caught baby Ella, She’s just under a year old now and still cute as a button.

Once Eric was seated on the sofa Tristan stepped back so I could give him Gabriel. He cradled the baby carefully and smiled down at him, Gabriel burped.

‘I can’t believe you have two kids green, you’re only twenty seven.’ He sighed, ‘I can’t believe you’ve achieved all this.’ He gestured to Tristan and my house.

‘Hey, you didn’t do too badly yourself. Alpha of a huge, powerful pack, great job at that law firm and a nice girlfriend. Where is Allana anyway?’

‘She’s gonna be here soon, she took the other car to pick someone up.’

‘Oh, who.’

‘Britt.’ He grinned.

‘I think I love her now.’

My mom’s been pissed with me ever since I told Britt about the werewolves and everything else in our family, all the secrets she kept. It’s been three years but my mother still refuses to let it go, she tries to keep Britt away from Tristan and I but she has no idea Allana is a werewolf.

Britt’s twenty three but she’s staying with my mom and step dad until she finishes college at the end of the year, it’s more cost efficient for her to live at home. If we had the space I would’ve gotten Britt to move into our house.

Niall and Amber have already met Gabriel and they love him, Amber’s already trying to set up play dates for him and her Ella. I hope they’ll be friends like Eric and I were, I want my child to have that great friendship.

Tristan got up when he heard the door bell ring and came back with Allana and a grinning Britt, my little sister rushed over to me and crushed me in a hug.

‘Hey! I missed you so much, ohh where’s the baby!? Is it a boy or a girl? What did you name the baby!?’ That was all in one breath.

‘Woah, breathe. His name’s Gabriel and Eric’s got him.’ I pointed and she quickly moved to take the baby from him.

Eric pouted but handed over the baby, ‘Why doesn’t she have to sit down! I’m older than Britt.’

Tris answered, ‘She held Gabby and Ella when they were babies and didn’t drop either of them.

My three year old Gabby looked up at the mention of her name and climbed onto Eric’s lap where he hugged her against his chest. Eric doesn’t have any kids yet and his dad passed away two years after he lost his Alpha title so Eric is really close to the two little girls. Closer to Gabby though since she’s a little older.

Watching Allana cuddle up to Eric’s side I can just see her marring him, they’ll be happy together.  She’ll make a good Luna too, she’s motherly, caring, stern when she needs to be but fair. Like Evangeline.

Niall and Amber still live in their cottage with their daughter Ella, she’s the apple of her daddy's eye. Niall’s always been a sweet, happy and playful guy but when it comes to anyone messing with his daughter he’s scary as all hell. Amber’s the proud mother with her as close to perfect life and family, she’s still as sweet and innocent as ever but it’s a good thing.

Connor has Alex, the red haired beta and made her his Luna. They’re the same age and according to Eric his brother’s been friends with her since birth which is adorable. I don’t think I’ve seen them apart since the wedding, he follows her around like the puppy he is.

As for myself and Tristan we’re still going strong, we even mated ourselves a year before the wedding which just made our connection stronger. When Gabby was born Tristan cried his eyes out the first time he held her and didn’t want to let go for the longest time. Then I found out I was pregnant with Gabriel and he went out and bought a room full of toys and baby bottles, cutlery, onezies ect.

He makes me happy all the time and I love sharing a house with my husband and kids, it’s bliss. I know some people think that settling down and living the family life is boring but I don’t, I’m still a werewolf and my children will turn later on in live. I didn’t keep anything from them, Gabby’s seen us both turn multiple times and she loves the wolves as much as she loves me when I’m in my human form. I won’t let my children live not knowing what they are and then have the bomb dropped on them at seventeen like what happened to me. I love them too much too hide anything.

I may have to deal with angry parents, babies crying in the middle of the night and arguments over who has to do dishes but I wouldn’t give up my life for anything at all.

It’s all Green.

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