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Authors Note;
Lacey O'Connor along with any kiddies belong to Carolineeexx.

Leigh wasn't stupid. She knew Warren wasn't planning on sticking around with Mia. She didn't trust him. She knew she had to get Mia and leave before it was too late and she never saw her baby again.

Leigh walked into the flat and sighed. Diane was there. "Where've you been?" She asked.

"Warren's back. He said Mia has leukaemia. She needs a bone marrow," Leigh said.

Diane was shocked. She looked at Leigh. "Where is she?"

"Warren says she's in a private hospital ward. He won't tell me where," Leigh said. She sighed. "I have to help her mum. She's my baby girl."

Diane nodded. She sighed. "Where is Warren? I'll get him to tell you where Mia is."

Leigh sighed. "It's honestly fine. I'll find out where she is. Warren knows that if there's any tricks, I'll kill him," she said.


Leigh went to meet with Warren outside the hospital. She was being tested to see if she could be a match to Mia. Leigh knew deep down that she had to do to Warren what he did to her. It was destroying her being away from her own daughter.

She saw him standing outside the hospital with his hood on. "Yeah I can see why you're covering your face. Taking someone's child from them is an an offence," she said.

"My child too. Just so you know."

Leigh rolled her eyes. She followed Warren inside. She saw him glancing towards a private ward. "Is she up there?" Leigh asked.

Warren sighed. "No. But I wish she was. It would make things easier. I wouldn't haven't to travel here and back to where she is," he said.


Leigh had her DNA taken. She walked out the room and saw Warren. "They'll have the results back tomorrow," she said as she looked at him.

Warren nodded. "Right. I'm gonna go out the back. Less chance of me being seen," he said.

Leigh watched as he walked off. She called out to him. "Look. If you're playing games with me, then I will kill you. I wouldn't test me on that either," she said.

"No games."


Leigh went into the flat and sighed. Lacey was there. "What happened?" She asked.

"They got my DNA. Have to wait and see if I'm a match for her. I really hope I am. She's my baby girl and I can't lose her," Leigh replied. She sighed. "I can't help but feel like Warren is hiding something from me and I don't like it."

Lacey smiled. "I can find out if you want me to?"

"You would?"

Lacey nodded. "Yeah. Look. Since everything that's happened, I haven't felt like I've done much. What do you need me to do?" She asked. "And I've got an appointment too. So I can do this before my appointment."

Their Baby Girl *•Hollyoaks•*Where stories live. Discover now