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Credit to cheskiiis-blog for the picture above

Your trauma was forgotten once a strong gust of wind pushed you back. Luckily you weren't slammed into a wall because Rak had caught you, while struggling as well.

"Is that Shinsu?" Khun asked.

You watched the orange-yellow light blast into the air and then quickly become dust.

Looking over at Bam, you saw the Spandex girl on the floor, one hand holding her bleeding and uncovered face. Bam slowly stood up and raised his Black March and just as you were about to yell the boy who was about to attack was quickly on the floor.

"Bam!" You yelled.

"Well, uh," Lero Ro announced, "Because the crown seems to be broken, no team has won."

Just as he finished you fell to the ground as well.

"Female turtle!" You shot up and looked around.

Rak was at your bed, watching you. A sudden pain shot through your head making you groan. "What the hell?"

"You fainted right after Black turtle." You jumped up and tugged at his cloak.

"Where is he? Is he- ow." Your stomach grumbled very loudly. "How long was I asleep for?"

Rak shrugged. "Not long. Black turtle and blue turtle are in the next room. Now I don't have to watch over you for blue turtle!"

He ran out and past the room he said Bam was in. "I'm surprised he listened to blue turtle."

Your stomach grumbled again and you slowly shut your door, feeling tired. You opened the door to Bams'. Khun was next to his bed and had turned his head hearing the door open but Bam was still unconscious.

"Hey," Khun asked, looking worried, "You alright?"

Your stomach was practically roaring but you made sure Khun wasn't able to hear it. "Yeah, just a bit hungry. How's Bam?"

Khun stood up and helped you sit down where he was. "He's not awake. Lero Ro gave us three days to rest. He has to wake up in those three days or else he could get disqualified for not doing the other tests."

You reached out for Bam's hand and squeezed it. "I'm sure he'll wake before then."

"So Y/N," You turned your head to see him cross armed, "Why did you faint?"

"What?" He stood up straighter sending you a look, suspicious of you.

"Oh come on. You had no reason to, you weren't exhausted from fighting and you weren't banged on the head like Bam, so why did you faint?"

You shrugged and looked away at Bam. "Maybe I was just tired."

Khun leaned on the back of your chair and spoke next to your ear. "We're teammates, you can tell me."

He massaged your head and you sighed, feeling relieved. "Don't cut the teammate shit on me. Bam doesn't even know who you are."

"You know and you're still on my side," he shrugged, "If there's anyone I trust most on the team ,it would be you. And you obviously trust me. What's wrong with telling me some family business?"

You got up and sharply turned. "You know?"

He stepped back, hands in his pockets. "I knew, more like. Of course I did. I just wanted you to tell me, trust and all."

You crossed your arms, glaring. "I'm technically the reason for my mothers death." You turned around and sat, turning your gaze to Bam. Tears started welling in your eyes and you couldn't stop your voice from trembling. "Happy now?"

"Hey," He said gently. He came closer and pat your head. "We've all made mistakes. You don't want to talk about this one and I'm fine with it."

Tears escaped your eyes and he quickly noticed. Khun bent down and took your hand. "Let's make a deal."

You turned your head, surprised to not see cold hearted business Khun. Softer, worried eyes. He could probably sympathize with you, but that was the last thing you wanted from him. "We shut our mouths about either each other pasts unless we're given the okay to talk about it. Or the information is needed in a deadly scenario."

You sniffled and nodded, Khuns' grip on your hand quickly turning into a light handshake. "Thank you," You stood up and smiled, "I'm really hungry. I'm gonna wash up and go eat."

"Y/N-chan!" Shibisu waved you over. You smiled and sat down with him, food in hand. "Are you feeling better? I was surprised to see you faint at the game."

You nodded. "I just wasn't feeling too well was all. The next few days of rest should help with that."

energy - Khun Aguero AgnisWhere stories live. Discover now