vingt deux

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"Um, what's up?" Serena asked as she opened the door to her room. With a quick glance, you spotted the very full cups of alcohol on the floor. Hoh and her seemed to have been close.

"We're going to say goodbye to him... properly. Would you like to come?" She nodded hesitantly and followed you. As you both made it, Bam was putting down a bouquet of flowers down, and Khun greeted you with a soft voice.

"Yo. Bam wanted to give our friend a proper send off." You nodded placing down the few flowers- not a proper bouquet like Bam, but still- on his grave.

Bam smiled. "Thank you for coming everyone."

Serena looked behind her to see the whole gang- Hatz, Shibisu, Anaak, Lauroe and Endorsi. Shibisu threw a small bottle of soju over to Serena. "Here. Don't drink it all yourself," he joked. "Leave some for Hoh."

After what seemed like days, Serena gave him a small smile. "I know that, idiot."

You all- except Rachel and Bam- were sat down at the table you usually sat at, drinks in hand- mostly soju, but you made Anaak drink water. You narrowed your eyes at Endorsi, who you knew helped Anaak switch out the drink. You didn't have the energy to switch it out again though.

"If we sit around crying, he'll be too worried to move on to the afterlife," Shibisu spoke. "So smile. Chee"-

He was interrupted by Rak who screamed. "CHEERS!"

Eventually you were all drunk off your asses- except for Endorsi and Khun who only had a few drinks and stayed sober.

"Khuuun," you whined, shoving a drink in his face. "Drink with us! It'll be fun~"

He pushed the drink away and grinned. "If I drink who's going to take care of you?"

You smiled and wrapped your arms around him. "I can take care of myself, thank you very much mister smarty pants."

Khun's laugh was muffled by the shoulder he put his head in. "Mister smarty pants," he mumbled. "I'm so teasing you about that later."

You lifted his head up and kissed his jaw, really everywhere but his lips, and Khun blushed seeing everyone's eyes on them. "The turtles are mating!" Rak yelled.

"Shut up!" Khun yelled back, his head moving away from you for a second, before you pulled him back for a kiss.

As you kissed, your friends cheered. "Oh my god, Y/n is cheating on Endorsi!"

Khun opened his eyes, raising an eyebrow, but you just tried to pull him closer. Khun parted away from you, pushing away your advances, and looked over at Endorsi who shrugged,

"We kissed."

Khun's jaw fell at her plain sentence. He looked at you in bewilderment and then back at Endorsi, closing his mouth. Then back at you. He opened his mouth to have ask you to explain further, then realized you were drunk. So he looked back at the only other sober person, Endorsi. The girl you kissed. Allegedly.

"You- Why?"

Endorsi smirked. "Why? You jealous?"

"Just answer the question."

"To find out what the taste of her lipgloss was."

"I- What?!"

"You were right," you mumbled, wrapping your arms around him, placing your head in his neck. "It's raspberry."

"You kiss"-

You lifted up your head and kissed him again to shut up him up. "Once, get over it. Her lips looked pretty and it'd been forever since I'd done anything. Also, I've never kissed a girl before, let me experiment. Sheesh, if you didn't want this to happen you should've kissed me sooner. But since we're dating now, you're the only one I'll ever kiss!"

Khun opened his mouth to speak but you kissed him instead. As you pulled away and hugged him tighter, he simply wrapped his arms around you tightly and stared at the floor, in thought.

As everyone eventually fell asleep, or left, Khun placed you down so you could comfortably be passed out with everyone else, then went on his way to talk to a certain someone. And while he knew what he was to talk about, the thought of you saying you were dating him kept plaguing his mind...

energy - Khun Aguero AgnisWhere stories live. Discover now