vingt cinq

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As you looked for the girls, you were shocked by the sight. Anaak was on the ground bleeding out, using her shinsu to heal herself. Endorsi had the Green April pointed at the younger girls neck. Immediately, you had a knife at the brunette's neck.

"Don't you dare," you said through gritted teeth.

You heard another voice. "Kill her." You looked over to the side to see someone in the shadows; the wave controller teacher.

Endorsi whipped the green april around and you pressed the knife against her neck, drawing out blood. This could possibly be the first person you'd regret killing.

Endorsi brought her free hand up and touched the knife, making you confused. "Let's get this over with then."

Trusting her, you lowered your knife, staying close behind ehr so you could stab her in the back if need be, as she bent down to get to eye level with Anaak. "And have lunch together!"

"Huh? Are you serious?" She grunted, yelling hurting her bleeding out abdomen.

"Of course," Endorsi said cheerfully, giving her hand to Anaak. "So... give me that."

A knowing look was on Anaak's face and you watched them confused, having no idea what this princess talk was going on between them. Anaak threw the black march to Endorsi who caught it and threw up the green april so Anaak could jump up and get it. You jumped away, watching closely as the girls did their thing.

"It's over rice boy," Endorsi sneered cockily as she walked towards the beaten instructor.

"Aw jeez. Just know that I'm doing this in self defense princess." As the rice boy blasted Endorsi out of the way and pinned Anaak down, stepping on her chest, you ran forward, throwing your knife at the head of it.

It dodged- of course, that was a thoughtless attack- and you decided it was time to attack. Soundlessly, you went to its front and punched it in the head, sending it back. You quickly grabbed your knife, dodging the attack he sent at you while your back was turned.

You quickly turned and tried to get close, unfortunately the creature kept attacking. You only had one knife and long range fighting wasn't your thing. You quickly went to using one of your family's assassin techniques, afterimages.

It seemed to confuse the creature for a second, before attacking the afterimage a few afterimages away from the real you, and you got faster, closing in on the instructor. Suddenly, you were pushed back with such a force that made you black out for a second when your head hit the rocks.

"Don't get too cocky little princess," he grinned, before walking towards Anaak again, shoving his foot into her chest. "You've given me no choice."

"Stop that..." Endorsi said, using the last bit fo her strength to raise her head. You closed your eyes and rested your head back, the pain in your head unbearable from the crash.

"I'll tell King Jahad all about this," the administrator laughed. "A princess committed treason against me, so I was forced to deal with her."

Endorsi gasped, and you couldn't join in, instead listening in on the Jahad family drama. "That was your intention all along!"

He laughed against, pressing his foot further into Anaak's chest. "Insects should be squashed underfoot."

He laughed as you and Endorsi screamed at him to stop, after Anaak let out a horrible scream. He continued however, laughing at the sound of Anaak's torture.

Suddenly you saw a rock hit his head. He turned around in confusion for a second before turning back to hurt Anaak, until he felt more and more rocks hit his head.

You turned to look for who was throwing the rocks. "Stop that!" The wave controller said. "Who are you?!"

"Who am I?" The woman came into view. "Just so you know, those two on the ground over there.." She had long black hair up in a ponytail with a large red hair tie and accessory. She had red eyes, and from the smugness in her tone and face you predicted what she was to say. "Are my little sisters."

"Yuri... Jahad?" Endorsi said quietly, but the echo in the cave made it loud enough to hear.

"The Jahad princess that helped Bam?" You muttered.

"Thanks for showing me the way," you thought she said to no one until Shibisu came out of the shadows, a hand over his heart.

"Thank you, princess."

"What's a princess doing here?" The administrator asked.

"Huh? Why are you talking to me like you know me?" She sassed. Honestly, she reminded you of Khun, ever so slightly, with her tone.

The administrator seemed nervous and jittery around the princess. "I haven't introduced myself yet! I am royal enforcement division unit"-

Yuri ignored him and looked to the sword which had came near you during the fight- the Black March. "Isn't that my sword? I thought I lent that to someone."

The royal enforcement blah blah seemed to have forgotten about Anaak, so you went over to pick her up as fast as you could, using Shinsu to hold back the bleeding in her stomach. As you picked her up, the administrator went to pick up Anaak's Green April but Yuri stopped him. "Get out of here. I'll retreive them. That will be all."

energy - Khun Aguero AgnisWhere stories live. Discover now