1 Village

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A/N : I'm not a great writer, or a professional at that, and also not very good in English so expect many misspelled words, wrong grammar, plot holes and many more, specially in tenses. I'm a Filipino but I feel awkward when I tried to write this in Tagalog and so I made it English.

This is also a bxb book. Meaning there will be interactions and relationships between men. Although just lightly.

That is all my warning.

Feel free to try the story and I'll greatly appreciate it. Also, if you see something wrong, please comment it and I will edit it.

Thank you in advance!

All the images in this book, now and for the future, is not mine at all. Credits to the owners.

A teen-age boy was silently walking between the tree's. He was trying to not make any sound. For a boy like him the forest was truly dangerous. And the boy know this, yet, he was still doing it.

This boy was known as Dino Bon. One look at the boy and you could tell that he was just a normal villager, and he did. However, he got one big secret. A secret that he only know and would probably stay with him, and that was - he was not from here.

Sure, he came from the village outside the forest but the entity living the body was not the the original boy of this body. It was like he got the body but a different soul was living within it. And yes, it do.

Incidentally, he was also called Dino Bon, the same with the name of original body. Last time he check, he don't leave on some village but on one of the barangay[1] from Philippines and he was a child of a farmer. Yet, one day he woke up inside a unfamiliar house with unfamiliar peoples and unfamiliar place called village.

He was scared shitless of course. But he thought if what was happening was just a dream? A big, bad dream?

However, days after, he push the notion away. It could be called a dream if the scenario only happen shortly but if it last for days, weeks, months, it could still be a dream?


However, he still have hope. Hope that this was just really a dream and he would one day woke up and return to his home. To the Philippines.

Going home or not, that was just side problem. Because even if this a dream or not, a sick mother was still a big, main problem.

His mother, or should he say the mother of Dino of this body before, was sick and they don't have enough money to buy a medicine, much less look for a doctor.

And so he was here inside the dangerous forest looking for something with value, sell it and buy a medicine or look for a doctor if it could.

They were poor, so poor.

Just like the occupation of his parents on Philippines, his known parents here also make a living through farming. However, what they makes was just enough for food, if not less. So a budget for a medicines and many other was just nonexistent.

His mother had a high fever, that was everyone else's thought, however, he know more. His mother was not just simply had a fever, it was just one of symptoms because his mother was poisoned. Although it was a slow acting poison, it was still a poison. And if not cured, no matter how slow the poison acted, it still could kill her.

Unfortunately, not of them believe even his father. He was just a boy, with no special ability and so his distress just pass through their ears.

Or so they thought.

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