2 Test

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A lone wagon was now travelling in a quite road.

This wagon was from the Cornfield Village where Dino come from. Their destination was Mapple Town where the supposed Knight and Mage Test would take place.

The wagon have a two male adults sitting outside while there were ten childrens inside including Dino.

Most of the children have a nervous expression. They were tense as this was a great turning of their life. This test would tell if they would be a insignificant snake or a majestic dragon soaring to the sky.

While they were tense, there was someone inside full of smile and that one was Dino, holding a bag where the Four Leaf Clover was. He was expecting that the said Four Leaf Clover could be exchange for a antidote for his mother's poison.

The whole travel was smooth sailing that even the adults outside felt strange. They don't even felt a single bump on the road and they think that this was just their lucky day.

By the time they arrived at Mapple Town, it was already noon.

They immediately go to the town center where a number of tents where pitched. There were many number of people at the place and most of them was aged ranging from ten to fifteen. Most of them was just wearing coarse clothes signifying their humble background while some was wearing fine and sophisticated clothes.

The childs of the Cornfield Village wagon get off and also fall in the long line.

Dino check his surrounding and saw at the front a woman in green clothes in front of transparent orb. She was smiling warmly to the children and guide them to hold the crystal ball.

Dino saw that the crystal ball would sometimes glow a little and the lucky child would smile bigly but mostly, the crystal would remain in it's dull appearance while it was hold by most child. Those child would bow their head and walk dejected while some cry out loud.

Seeing this, Dino said to himself that the glow would signify positively while a dull appearance was not.

As he don't know the significance of the glow of the crystal orb, he started to get bored. Moments later, he got irritated. He want nothing but get out of the line, sell his Four Leaf Clover and buy a medicine for his mother's poison.

Unfortunately, he wouldn't. He felt how the two adults of the village place importance in this so called test and he don't want to deny them.

He just open his bag and look at the plant inside it and smile brightly when he saw that it was alright.

Due to him being occupied, Dino didn't know that it was his turn. The woman on the desk just smile at him while the others after him frown, some even get angry. He was even got cursed by others in their minds.

Feeling the heavy atmosphere, Dino look up and saw that it was finally his turn. He smiled sheepishly at the beautiful woman at the desk and walk a bit fast.

"Sorry..." He said to the lady.

The lady just smile at him warmly, "No problem, hon." She said while wiping the crystal ball from some dust, dirt and fingerprints.

Feeling the warm lady, Dino can't help but trust the lady, "Thank you." He spoke. "It just that, I checked my plant if it's alright as I will sell this to buy medicine for my sick mother." He added.

The lady put the towel she used to wipe the crystal ball away and look at the little boy at front of her. "Oh, she's sick?" She said in little dejected voice. The woman look at her more positively as she felt that the boy wasn't lying and was truly concern for his mother. "Can you tell me what is your mother's situation? Don't worry, I'm a healer. Maybe I can help your mom." She said.

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