3 Mage Student

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The Mage Orb that was silently place on the table before was now floating in the air in front of Dino.

The orb was glowing with green color and release a pleasant aura. The Four Leaf Clover in the bag was nowhere to be found but a Four Leaf Clover was now sketched on the Mage Orb.

Angelica look at him in full disbelief. She know that the Mage Orb was now bounded to the kid. It, being a Heaven Rank was not the reason she was flabbergasted. It was the fact that the Mage Orb accept the kid as its master.

She was the one who found the Mage Orb in some ancient ruins. She felt lucky that time but the equipment didn't recognized her. She tried everything, put a drop of her blood, send her soulforce and many others but the Mage Orb remain on it's dull appearance.

She was down that time. It was like having a ton of money at destroyed world, she'd have something valuable but can't use it. And so she thought that the treasure was not fated for her.

She even brought it to the higher-ups of the Fist and Magic Academy and let them try if the said equipment would recognized them as master but all of them also fail.

That was why the Mage Orb was just an accessory in her storage and to think that something the powerful powerhouse of the school was helpless about was actually done by a kid.

Angelica look at him with shining eyes. The Mage Orb probably see something in the kid that she can't, and this trait should be something wonderful.

Dino has his eyes fix on the Mage Orb floating in front of him. He felt a connection on the orb, and it felt like the thing was actually his own brother. He knew that the floating orb was something truly important and precious.

He focus again on the words beside it and examined.

Mage Orb
+499 Defense

[1]Mana Storage Skill
Passive : Store Mana upto 499 Points.
Available Mana : 100/499
Passive : Recover 1 Point of Mana every minute by absorbing the Mana of surrounding.
Passive : Glow when touch by someone with Mana. Can be cancelled by user.
[2]Weapon and Equipment Attach Skill
Active : Deposit the Mage Orb on weapon or equipment and use the Mage Orbs' Mana Reserve. Can be use on other's weapon.
[3]Camouflage Skill
Active : Change the appearance of the Mage Orb into a earing or a ring.
Cooldown : 60 seconds.
[4]Clovers Luck Skill
Passive : +1 Luck
Active : Absorb Four Leaf Clover and add 0.1 Luck for every clover.
Cooldown : 60 seconds.
Active : Doubles the amount of luck for 2 minutes.
Cooldown : 1 hour.

While Dino examined the Mage Orb's data, Angelica stood up from where she was sitting and look at one of the lady at her back. "Go and get the reserved Testing Orb and facilitate here. I have something important to do." She instructed to the lady.

The lady bow and said, "Yes, master." She then enter one of the tent and came back with another orb that looks like the Mage Orb. She immediately put the Testing Orb on the table and the testing procedure continue.

Angelica then look at Dino who was now holding the Mage Orb. "Come with me." She said then walk towards the largest tent.

Dino follow the woman. He can't help but look at the Mage Orb he was holding. He know that the orb wasn't his and the lady could take it back as she was the original owner but he doesn't want that. If he could, he want to claim the ownership of the Mage Orb but he'll have to ask the lady first before that would happen.

Both Dino and Angelica enter the tent. Dino can't help but be amaze at how clean and classy inside. All of the things were shiny and glossy that he felt that his mother and father's income throughout their while life can't even be compare by one of the things value inside the tent.

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