15 Spatial Ring

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They look at Dino puzzled and the rusty dagger it was holding and raise their brow, that thing was their lucky find?

Seeing their doubtful gaze, Dino couldn't help but shakes his head. Still, he knew that even him would give a doubt to a person who would tell him that this old dagger was actually their lucky encounter.

Luckily, his eyes identified the weapon or this would be discarded and be labeled as trash item. But it's not. It may look a trash, rusty and old, this thing had a high chance that it could penetrate Henry's armor defense.

"Don't judge the book by it's cover, guys..." Dino said while the others just shrug, could you blame us?

"What if I tell you that this rusty, old thing was actually a Earth-Rank equipment?" Dino said seriously.

The others doubtful look suddenly stiffen. A Earth-Rank equipment? That kind of thing couldn't be a joke right? 'Cause if it is, that would be a real bad joke.

They all look at Dino seriously.

"Is that truly a Earth-Rank dagger?" Henry asked as he wants to know if that rusty dagger was a real deal. No matter how old that dagger look, if that was a Earth-Rank weapon, then they were sure were lucky.

"Want to try with your armor?" Dino ask teasingly.

Henry's face turned stiff but shake his head immediately. Since Dino was the one who said that it was a Earth-Rank dagger, then there were 90% chance that it was true and he don't want his precious armor be the testing piece. It may only be a 9-Star Mortal equipment, it was still very important to him at the moment.

Dino laughed at Henry's reaction. "This dagger was originally a Heaven-Rank, but —

"A Heaven-Rank?!" The others exclaimed in shocked and cut what Dino was trying to explain.

Dino look at them confused at their reaction but moments later, he came with the conclusion; they were not the same with him with a Heaven-Rank equipment like his Mage Orb. Their reaction was expected as even Earth-Rank was precious, Sky-Rank was rare and Heaven-Rank was probably just a legend to them. And seeing a degraded Heaven-Rank, no matter how degraded it was, it was still a Heaven-Rank before!

"Is... That... Truly... A... Heaven... Rank... Before..?" Kira asked breathless as if she run for miles.

"Sure." He confirmed and the others shocked face got shocked even more, if that was even possible. "However, as I was saying, you could see with its current appearance, it got degraded. Still, even it got degraded, this dagger could still be considered a Earth-Rank dagger." He spoke.

Silence remains with them for a moment as the others were still not over with their shock and still processing the new information. A degraded Heaven-Rank dagger...?

"And must I add, this dagger is way more powerful than my Vitality Wood Staff." Dino spoke trying to break the silence.

The others complexion got a little better.

Risa smile longingly and immediately snatch the dagger from Dino's hand. Since she was the only dagger user in their group, then this weapon would definitely be her's. She then caressed the dagger lovingly.

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