9 Wide Canopy Forest

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Next day, Dino along with Henry, Daniela, Risa and lastly, Kira, were travelling on the road with excited look at their faces. Their destination was the Wide Canopy Forest where they would slay a beast who will tell their little hunters' group rank.

This was the first time they would travel and slay a beast, —as they don't do it at Academy as they do was mostly lesson and only spar with their classmate —added to fact that it was for their future, they were brimming with determination.

Kira also can't help but got affected by the happy atmosphere and was smiling herself. She was unsure at first if she should tag along with them as a baggage, as she knew her abilities and strength. However, that notion was tossed aside the moment they started to travel. Her groupmates make sure she don't feel outcast, in fact, all they say was encouragement and the like. She felt that she belonged here, with them. They don't look at her the way she look at herself, and this was the first time someone didn't add a salt on her wound but in fact help her soothe it. And it felt nice... Then for the first time, she smile. A true and genuine smile.

Dino look at Kira when felt a different vibe from her. He smiled widely as he was happy for her.

As a Healer Mage, Dino was quite sensitive in auras different entities emit and his master told him that it was like the instinct of them.

And so he manage to catch the shift in Kira's emotion. If she was like to go with the flow before, not have a direction and goal, then the her right now had a spark that was never there before. She was now starting to have hope —as she felt hopeless before with all the set backs.

Although that spark of hope was small, it was still a good start. All he have to do was to make that spark to blaze by giving her more hope, make her create her own dream and have a goal for herself. And that was one of Dino's goal starting right now.

They walk for half a day before they arrived at the edge of the big and mysterious Wide Canopy Forest.

The Wide Canopy was a big forest that stretch for hundreds, if not thousands, of miles and by this time, no one could boast that they reached the other end of the said forest. There was not even a accurate map of the whole forest, all they have was only part of it like the one Dino was holding with him.

No one could even tell what was in the middle, much less the end of it. Many tried to cross the forest, unfortunately, before they could reach the end they were already finished in the middle. It was mysterious and becuase they were no survivor, no one could tell what was there. The forest instilled fear at the adventurers and hunters that they all stopped trying to investigate.

"We'll rest for now and we'll start hunting tommorow." Dino said with his groupmates. "We will hunt with our best state." He added and they all agree.

They then started to pitch tents and cook they dinner. They all look at the Magic Pouch with amazement as how it was truly convenient for travelling and can't help but felt sad when they thought that it was only lend to them. Unfortunately, they don't have the money to bought one at the moment.

Unbeknownst to them, Dino already have his own from his master, Angelica Wood. It was given to him from last night as his master for its convenience purposes. With the Magic Pouch, they don't have to thought for their baggage and its weight and focus on surviving themselves.

Dino felt grateful for his master with all the things she have done for him.

But he didn't know that his master was doing it without remorse. As a master herself, nothing was more fulfilling than having a good nature and talented disciple. She was more than happy, and most of all, thankful. Thankful as she found a disciple that she could pass her legacy on, as she felt that the toxin in her body was slowly but surely getting stronger. Time would come and even her can't keep up with the toxin.

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