14 Dark Fox

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Dino sighed.

He wish that the Mage Orb would spit the Steelback Earth Bear dead body, even only it's head, or they couldn't prove thay they managed to kill a 5-Star Mortal Beast and become a 5-Star Hunter Team.

They could hunt another, though. But it would still take more time as they would need to locate another and hunt it.

A wind breeze through the forest. Dino jerk his head up suddenly and look at the part of the forest they come from, to the cave where they found the Steelback Earth Bear.

He don't know why but something was urging and pleading him to come to the cave as if there was something or someone that needed help.

Seeing the sudden motion Dino did, Henry stand up immediately and create a defending stance and ask Dino, "What's wrong?" He thought something dangerous would come up again and get ready to battle.

Dino look at Henry and smile reassuringly and said, "Nothing dangerous." Henry tense body ease up and he look at Dino worried.

"Is something bothers you?" Henry couldn't help but asked.

Dino make a solemn face and look at the direction of the cave, "Something was urging me to go to the cave we came from."

Henry got confused at what Dino said. He was sure that the entity on that cave was only the Steelback Earth Bear and the body it was eating.

Henry suddenly turn stiff when that thought passed. The body it was eating…

"There was a body of, I'm sure, a beast. Do you think that that beast was the one who is calling you?" Henry couldn't help but blurted out his suspicion.

"The body..." Dino muttered and ponder for a moment. "It could be." He agree to Henry's words.

"Should we go there then?" Henry asked Dino.

"Yes." Dino answered. "But we have to get to the others first and regroup before we go there." He added.

Henry agree to Dino and they walks towards the way they come from, to the cave where they sleep last night.

Ten minutes later, they neared the cave and saw the three agitated and full of concerned ladies.

As the three was guarded in their surrounding, they immediately detected the incoming presence and create their battling stance and be on guard. However, when they saw who was coming, their tense body immediately relaxed and their serious face finally got a trace of smile. They then waited for the two incoming person.

"What happen?" Risa immediately asked the moment Dino and Henry arrived in front of them.

"Nothing." Dino answered. "Just a 5-Star Mortal Beast with decent Attack and Defense with unpredictable Speed."

The three ladies face immediately paled when they heard that the beast, that was supposed to be pursuing them, was actually a 5-Star Mortal Beast! Electricity runs throughout their whole body and stiffened, specially Kira who was only a 2-Star Mortal Mage.

They then look at Dino grateful. Should they remain there, they'll only just a burden and got kill with high chance!

They sigh in relief.

Moments later, a very important thought pass them three and look at Dino and Henry with scrutinizing gaze. A Healer Mage and a Shield Bearer-Knight... who got the capacity to kill it?

Seeing the sudden doubtful gaze of the ladies, he sighed and answer, "I'm the one who kill the 5-Star Mortal Beast."

The three ladies focus on him and look sharply with raised brows. "I don't believe you. I think that Henry, with that full of shining equipment, is most likely the one who managed to kill that 5-Star Mortal Beast." Daniela said.

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