12 Steelback Earth Bear

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Later that evening, they all sprawled at the floor spent, again.

Like yesterday night, Kira cooked their dinner and Dino stay and guard for the night. He also realesed Aroma Therapy to help them to recover more faster.

-8 MP

+0.5 Aroma Therapy' Proficiency

When the night was deep and he felt sleepy, he then started to check if there was something new both to his data and Mage Orb.

Name : Dino Bon
Class : Mage
Health : 700/700 | Mana : 70/78
Attack : 11 | Defense : 10 | Speed : 8 |
Status : Healthy
Affinities : Wood-30%|Wind-5%

Offensive : Sharp Leaves[Lvl2]
Defense : Root Armor[Lvl1]
Support : Wind Shoes[Lvl2]
Recovery : Aroma Therapy[Lvl3], Heal[Lvl2], Cure[Lvl1]
Curse : ∅
Summoning : ∅

Sharp Leaves [Lvl2]
Active : Use 1 Mana Points and creates 10 leaves which would deal 10 damage point. Add MP and add increase damage by 10/MP. Maximum of 2 MP.
Proficiency : 15%

Wind Shoes [Lvl2]
Active : Use 4 Mana Points and surrounds the targets feet and add 2 points of Speed.
Duration : 60 seconds
Proficiency : 78.9%

Dino nodded in satisfaction. Two of his skills made a breakthrough today that left him so happy. The higher his skills levels were, the more flexible he get to the battles.

He then check his other skill as the night was still long.

Root Armor [Lvl1]
Active : Use 1 Mana Points and surround the user's body with roots like armor and provide 10 Physical Defense.
Duration : 5 minutes.
Proficiency : 99.9%

Aroma Therapy [Lvl3]
Active : Use 8 Mana Points and release a fragrant and soothing flower fragrance and heal a fatigue body. Relaxes the muscles and recover stamina.
Duration : 5 minutes.
Proficiency : 98.5%

Active : Use 3 Mana Points to heal the targets' flesh wounds and recover 1 Health.
Proficiency : 65.6%

Active : Use 50 Mana Points and cure poison status. Can only cure One-Star Mortal-Rank poisons.
Proficiency : 89.1%

After he checked his other skill, his mouth couldn't help but agaped when he saw that his Root Armor probably needed just one cast and it would... Breakthrough!

He immediately clear his mind and chanted, "Root Armor."

-1 MP

+10 [Root Armor' Defense] × 0.05 [Vitality Wood Staff' Amplification Skill : Amplify Wood Spells by 5%] = 10.5 Total added Defense

+0.1% Root Armor' Proficiency

His body got covered with roots like an armor enclosing his body.

And just like everytime his skills create a breakthrough, he fall on trance and he just look at the air in nothing particular.

In that trance, he saw many insights regarding his Root Armor skill. He then immediately checked its data trying to confirm something.

Root Defense [Lvl2]
Active : Use Mana Points and surround the user's body with roots like armor and provide Physical Defense. Every MP provides 10 defense. Maximum of 2 MP.
Mode : Root Armor, Root Shield
Duration : 5 minutes.
Proficiency : 0%

He nodded, satisfied. Just like at what he saw at his trance, his Root Armor —or should he say, Root Defense, had what this called mode. Before when it was still a Lvl1 Skill, it could only cover his body and could only be used only to him. However, when it level up to Lvl2, it's Root Armor could now be used to others like Henry. Also, it now had the added option called the Root Shield. The Root Shield, compare to Root Armor, covers the shield hold by the others like Henry's. And the good news was it could be stacked!

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