5 Roommates

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Night later, Dino was now inside his dorm room. The room was as big as his house on the Cornfield Village and was also more classy looking. There was also a door which was the bathroom.

There were also three more people inside which were his roommates. An armored boy, a fully clothed girl and lastly, a girl with little developed muscles.

The armored boy was called Henry Shieldstone, and his father was an nobility with an Earl title. It could be said that he was well-off as his armor was shining with its glossiness. One look at it and it could be told that it was definitely worth hundreds, if not thousands, of gold coins. It was something that a commoner like Dino could look at with jealousy. He was an Earth affinity Shield Bearer and he was one of those approachable nobility.

The black-clad girl called herself Risa Drop, also a commoner herself and since she was also like Dino who grew up in a remote village, she doesn't decide yet of what type of Knight she should become. She was quite a shy and loner girl. She could be called a woman of few words.

And lastly, the muscled girl who called herself Daniela Faintheart who got a bright and loud personality. She was also a commoner herself and she wants to fight with fist and was quite violent. She would most likely to chose to be a Martial Artist.

Dino then also introduced himself as a Healer Mage. When he said that Henry smiled fully, Risa act as if she never heard him while Daniela look at him sharply with her brows raised. Dino felt his body hairs stand-up, specially when he look at her muscles.

Fortunately, all of his roommates was all good, even Henry himself. He look and talk with them as equal, not the same of most of the scion of other nobility, looking at commoners like them with ridicule and disgust.

Dino, Risa and Daniela themselves was truly lucky and fortunate as the other commoners with noble roommate were having a hard time. For a noble boodline, commoners was like a dirt in their mind and seeing them within his/her room was a real nightmare.

Unfortunately for those nobles, they can't change rooms or apply for a room for themselves until they reached Third Level. They were all First Level students themselves, they don't know how long they would reach Third Level and that makes their head hurt more than ever.

The Fist and Magic Academy was the one who made this school rule. This was to let the nobles get use to commoners and work with them rightly in the future. The goal was to minimize, or removed for a better, the nobles trait to ridicule commoners. This would also let the commoners themselves get use to nobles.

Next day, the rise doesn't shine yet but Dino's room was already busy.

When it was 7 in the morning, they all got out of their room and go to the Dining Room and ate their breakfast.

The food here has two types, the free and the other with cost. The free food was provided by the Academy and intended for those who doesn't have the money to buy food like the commoners.

There were also those special, ordered food but paid with money. Of course, since it was paid, it was definitely more delicious and far more nutritious compare to free food.

Although the free food could be labeled plain, it was far more nutritious compared to the food of the commoners outside. Afterall, they were trained as warriors and definitely needed more nutrients.

Dino and his roommates get their food and they sit at one of the available table of the room.

When they were seated, Dino, Risa and Daniela look at Henry differently when they saw that his food was also the same with them, a free food.

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