11 Flaming Boar

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Hour later, Daniela open her eyes with a big, victorious smile.

Dino and the others all smile too.

That smile probably say the result, successful!

"How is it?" Dino still ask for confirmation.

"Its a big success." She answered. "My body truly felt different. I felt that my body numb. Even my sense of touch was reduced to certain degree." She explained her situation.

"Is that alright?" Dino ask concerned. A reduced sense of touch felt a little bad on someone's ears.

"It's alright for me." She answered to Dino. "Fortunately, it was me or would be a nightmare for others, specially for men. Isn't that right Henry?" She added and look at horrified, pale faced Henry.

"Yes!" Henry answered immediately. He don't know why but he felt very lucky. He even felt that he was fortunate that he wasn't the one that used the Numb Body as it would truly be nightmare for them, men.

If his down below become numb, it would be a true nightmare...

Daniela just sneered at Henry. Men couldn't really live without feeling the heavens of pleasure.

When the realization dawn on Dino, he couldn't help but be horrified too.

Daniela just laugh at Dino's paled face. "You have to make sacrifices Dino if you want to be stronger." She said and look at Dino with sincere smile. "And if I have to choose between strength and pleasure, then I'll still choose strength." She paused. "You have done no damage, Dino." She added reassuringly.

After he heard Daniela's long statement, Dino's complexion got better. Then he smiled at Daniela gratefully.

"Then, let's move!" He said trying to motivate the group.

"Yes!" The others replied invigorated. Then they started to walk and look for their target.

Henry then released a heavy, relieved sigh. The others look at him and they all laugh at loud.

Daniela walks towards him and pat his shoulder with a little force. "It really give you quite a scare huh, pervert?" She asked with teasing voice and laugh once again reverberated at the quiet forest while Henry just make face.

He wasn't a pervert, really...

And as their plan, they now look for a 3-Star Mortal Beast as their target. However, if Kira was the only who made a stop from time to time picking whatever she find something interesting, then all of them now did it.

Apparently, the one she picked was herbs she happened to stumbled upon. And the reason her cooked meals were delicious was because of it. Kira told it to them when they ask her thay she was a villager girl and foraging for wild herbs and ingredients in the forest was one of their main job and used it to cook for their village food. That was why she was knowledgeable at different herbs and wild vegetables and a good cook herself.

When she told them that, she was energetic. That was the first time she was proud and confident that she was from a poor village.

It was true —no matter how poor and humble your background are, you'll still have a skill nobles can't have and you'll be proud of.

However, even they all for themselves, Henry, Daniela, and Risa still have no good find. They couldn't helped but admit, they have no knowledge about different wild herbs and edible wild vegetables. There was even one time that Daniela brought a colorful mushroom and she was smug as she found something good base on the color. Yet, when Kira saw it, her face instantly paled. She then told her that what she brought was poisonous. Fortunately, it's poison was categorized as One-Star Mortal Poison and it was cured by Dino's Cure spell.

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