16 Toxic Blood Technique

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Dino open the scroll slowly for suspense since all of them expect something, mostly good. However, when they saw what was written, the others except for Dino, immediately lost interest and retreat back to their position before.

They knew that what was written was most likely important, however, they wouldn't know since they couldn't understand it! The letters used on the paper was different from them. It must be a ancient language or language of the other race or country. No matter what it was, they still couldn't understand a thing on it.

However, if they can't understand the language used doesn't mean Dino couldn't too. He also doesn't know the language, however, his eyes do the trick as he somehow understand what was written on it.

Dino was curious at what was written on the paper, yet, when he was finished reading it, he was shocked beyond belief!

Toxic Blood Technique
[1]Poison Absorption
Active : Introduce poison on the body by absorbing it and add an affinity with poison. Increase Poison-Affinity by absorbing more poison.
[2]Ladder Step
Passive : 100% success rate if the practitioner absorbed one rank higher than the last.
[3]Legacy Inscription
Active : Drip blood at the inscribed inscription and instantly learn the Toxic Blood Technique.
[4]Restriction Inscription
Passive : The Legacy Inscription was restricted and could only be learn by people with affinity with water, wood and dark Mana.

Just by the look of it, this things value probably worth more than anything! Should the others learn this thing, even his master's prestige couldn't protect him.

This was the first time that he saw a technique that could constantly increase a certain affinity. It was known all throughout that increasing someone's affinity was a hard and long process. It was even known that most of the people died without increasing their affinity by even just 1%. That was why inborn affinity was important. Those with high inborn affinity was nurtured more than those with low inborn affinity.

Of course, there were numbers of item that could increase someone's affinity, however, they were so rare that it was considered them as fateful encounters. Those miraculous item could only be found not sought.

Fortunately, the items language used was foreign. He could still make this a secret and could be hide from others, including his teammates. This things value worth more than them so the lesser the people knew this technique, the better.

"This thing was priceless." Dino spoke to his groupmates.

"You can understand the language?" Henry answered.

Dino shrugged, "I suppose." It's not that he understand it, just translated by his eyes. But he couldn't say that out loud. "But this time, I won't share the details as it was very confidential and to make you safe, guys. Besides, only Risa and I had the qualification to learn this technique." He explained.

"We understand." Henry answered again.

Dino look at them gratefully. Unbeknownst to him, the others knew that certain information could lead to their demise. And it was truly better if they didn't knew any of it.

And they trust Dino fully.

"So... What are the other items inside the ring?" Daniela ask.

"Potions." Dino answered with a big smile on his face.

"Potions?!" The others exclaimed in shocked.

Potions wasn't rare, however, it cost fortune. And for commoners like them, or a miser family like Henry, those potions was out of their reach. And to think that they'll got, or more, in an instant. How lucky was that?

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