13 Two vs One

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After minutes of running, Dino felt something amiss. He couldn't help but look left and right and look for something suspicious, however, there wasn't.

He then look at their back and he swear he felt stop beating for a second.

The Steelback Earth Bear actually follow them! His face darken.

Since you're courting death, I'll definitely kill you!

"Kira, Risa and Daniela!" He shouted and the three look at him for a second before they return their eyes in front.

"Yes?!" They shouted back to him.

"Return to our cave last night and wait for us there!" He commanded and he brought out his Vitality Wood Staff and chanted, "Wind Shoes!" three times.

+2 Speed [Daniela, Risa, Kira]
+15 Wind Shoes' Proficiency (93.9%)

"Yes!" They shouted out before they disappeared at both Dino and Henry's eyesight.

The three lady of their group didn't ask why they have to return to their cave without them, instead, they give their all and run to their cave last night as fast as they could. With how serious and commanding Dino's voice was—which he never use at them before, added to the fact that he was sounds hurried, they didn't ask any question but followed instantly. They knew that something must have come up and they probably can't help but most likely be a burden if they should decided to stay.

Dino then quickly look at Henry seriously and said, "Get ready to battle." While Henry nodded seriously too as he felt that something dangerous was most likely in their pursuit.

Dino then quickly chanted continuously at Henry, boosting him:

"Wind Shoes!"

+2 Speed [Henry] (37)
Duration : 60 seconds
+5 Wind Shoes' Proficiency (98.9%)

"Root Armor!"

-2 MP
+20 Defense [Henry-Chest]
Duration : 5 minutes
+5 Root Defense' Proficiency (5.0%)

"Root Shield!"

-2 MP
+20 Defense [Henry-Shield]
Duration : 5 minutes
+5 Root Defense' Proficiency (10.0%)

He also boost himself;

"Wind Shoes!"

+2 Speed [Henry]
Duration : 60 seconds
+5 Wind Shoes' Proficiency (100%)

"Root Armor!"

-2 MP
+20 Defense [Henry-Chest]
Duration : 5 minutes
+5 Root Defense' Proficiency (15.0%)

"Root Shield!"

-2 MP
+20 Defense [Henry-Shield]
Duration : 5 minutes
+5 Root Defense' Proficiency (20.0%)

His Wind Shoes spell made a breakthrough but he just put it aside as of now as the Steelback Earth Bear now only meters away. Fortunately, it stopped and look at them hungrily.

Steelback Earth Bear
Health : 500/500 |Mana | 10/30
Status : Normal
Attack : 53 | Defense : 59 | Speed : 25

"Don't put your eyes of it and block all the possible attack. When it tried to slam the ground, jump before it could touch the Earth and if possible, dodge all its attack using and mouths and only block it if you couldn't avoid. It can also increase it's speed suddenly, watch out for it." He explained to Henry fastly and in low tone.

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