7 Three Years Later

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Three years later, Dino was now 16 years old. He was now on the right age and could be considered adult.

Dino, like many others, were required to stay at the Academy and focused on strengthening himself before he reached 16 years of age. So what happen to Dino for these past three years could be considered dull and boring, and most of all repetitive.

He would attend classes, meditate for a night, personal lesson with his master, Angelica Wood every Saturday, and of course, his life drama with the other students, specially with the nobles

Most of the nobles hate his guts, but he also hate most of the noble's guts. He don't like those like of Trevor Quake; a domineering noble. However, he still have other nobles who can talk freely about without thinking their status difference beside Henry.

One of which was a noble with a name of Michael Bolton. He was one of those Mages with rare affinity, a thunder affinity. Apparently, he received it from his Bolton family bloodline who proud themselves as Thunder Mages.

Michael was also like Henry, a approachable nobleman. He was smart too.

Also, all of the commoners lineage Mages and Knights were in good terms with him. As a commoners themselves, they all talk politely which Dino would also talk with politely.

This was also the reason why Dino hate nobles, they were not polite, not polite at all. If they approached him rudely, of course, he would definitely answered rudely too. What was Dino's first opinion with a people would stick with them like a glue. His opinion with other's were hard to change.

Most of all, sixteen years old was a major turning point of Knight and Mages Academy' student. They can now have a become a adventurer! Also, they would also become a Second Level Student of Knight and Mages Academy.

Apparently, students in Knight and Mages Academy has four levels.

First Level students were those who just enter the academy, new recruits in other words.

Second Level students were those who reached the aged of adulthood which was 16 years old.

Third Level students were those One-Star to Six-Star Earth-Rank Mages or Knight.

Lastly, the Fourth Level were those Seven-Star to Ten-Star Earth-Rank.

While those who reached Sky-Rank were then allowed to graduate and leave the shackles of the school.

Through those three years, Dino also learned that the Head of the Knight and Magic Academy had a rank higher than Sky, a Heaven-Rank Mage. The Vice Head was also a Heaven-Rank but he was a Swordman Knight. Although he didn't see them, even their shadow.

But it was given as almost Fourth Level students also didn't saw them.

At night, Dino was in his room talking to his roommates.

"So... Tommorow will be a big day, huh?" Henry spoke.

Daniela and Risa -who can now converse with the group confidently-look at him with expentant face.

Dino smile at them.

They were all much older than Dino by a year. Expectedly, they should already be a Second Level student and doing some mission by now, but they don't as they waited for Dino and register themselves all at once. Dino couldn't helped but felt warmed in his heart.

"I still have a little request, guys..." Dino said sheepishly.

Henry and Risa look at him and waited for what he want to say, but Daniela look at him sharply.

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