8 Elena Kagan

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A beautiful lady walks on the corridor of the dorm, the boy's dorm.

All the boys who manage to see her tried to crane their necks, trying to see the beauty. Many wanted to tried their luck and win her heart but no one did. Base on her aura and mage robe, she should be a noble and a high stature of that. Should they managed to offend her, it would definitely their end.

The lady walk straight and full of confidence, her facial expression was cold and serious. But in her head, she was smiling brightly by the attention she had gathered herself. She felt important, like she was a Goddess herself.

She just continue to walk until she arrived at one particular door. She didn't bother to knock and just enter.

The room's sized was also the same with others and a same door which lead to the bathroom. However, unlike the other room with not new but maintained steel-framed bed, the steels of the bed here look rusty and old and might be ruined by any second.

In the middle was a neatly dressed, handsome young man was meditating. He was so serious on what he was doing that although he felt another presence in the room he didn't stop. He thought that it was just his roommates.

"It was instructed that a Knight or Mage with affinity of Metal should not meditate in their room as they will absorb the Metal Mana of their bed and would probably make them sleep on the floor." A voice of a lady reverberated in the room.

The brows of the handsome young man knit his eyebrows in annoyance. He open his eyes and glared at the intruder but say nothing. The one who talked and intrude him was Elena Kagan, a Fire Mage.

The young man sighed in his heart. He don't like this female, in fact, he hate her with intent. Unfortunately, like him, she was also a kid of noble Marquise and couldn't throw her presence. The lady also know this as although he didn't say it vocally, she felt it. But she didn't avoid him, instead, she stick to him like a clingy wife. That was how bitchy she was. She wants to annoy him to death.

"What do you need, Elena?"He asked with his annoyance visible in his voice.

Elena smile at him brightly. She likes it when he was annoyed. "I just received some news about your beloved husband, Trevor." She said sweetly. "But it seems like you don't want it..." She added with dejected voice.

Trevor can't help but shakes his head at Elena's behaviour. He couldn't comprehend how fast woman change their emotions. That was one of the reason why...

Yes. He was the one and only Trevor Quake who demand Dino to heal him first over his roommates, for free. He thought that since he was a noble, a son of a Marquise at that, Dino would fall over his heels wanting to heal him and forge a good relationship with him. Afterall, as a commoners origin Mage or Knight, forging a relationship with a noble was a must for their good future.

Unfortunately, not even once Dino look for him. He didn't even heard a rumor of Dino looking for him. In fact, their routine was always the same. Dino would come out along with his friends in Dining Room actively and pain-free. Which means Dino probably run out of Mana to spare and heal him.

At first, he was fuming with anger. He even shout at him demand Dino to prioritize him over his commoners friends for, more or less, months until he just stop. He don't know if the guy had a background more bigger and higher than him and pay him no mind or he just dense and treated his words like air.

Whatever the reason was, he can't do nothing at him as they were inside the Knight and Magic Academy, where the rules were probably also the word of the King. Should he try to defy it and even his father wouldn't be able to saved him.

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