17 Earth Affinity

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While Dino was in meditation, the others woke up and do what they had to do.

They didn't bother Dino and just let him. Although they were in the wild, meditation was still important as it was the most basic step on increasing strength, specially for Mages like Dino. They just focus at what they should do while also guarding him from possible dangers like wild beast who would attack him.

While the ladies didn't saw any abnormalities, Henry found one. When Dino was meditating before, he won't feel the change in surrounding mana as he absorb what he don't, however, it was different now. He was absorbing a Earth Mana! He wasn't a Mage but he was still a Earth Shield Bearer-Knight and he was quite sensitive at that type of mana.

He was confused. Dino wasn't a Earth Mage, that he knew before, however, it was different now that he now absorbing the Earth Mana.

Henry had many question, however, he had to wait for Dino to woke up from his meditation normally and ask him later. For now, he would keep the question to himself and guard the meditating mage.

Still, a big question still float inside Henry's mind; is Dino an Earth Mage?

Two days later, Dino was still meditating without rest and waking up. The others then started to worry at whatever was happening to Dino. Unfortunately, they couldn't woke up Dino in his meditation as they knew that was taboo, and rude.

Meanwhile, Dino was clueless at what transpired outside. He didn't even know that he was in meditation for days. He was so focused at the ground beneath him and feel the essence of the Earth. He felt really close to the ground as if he was the very Earth itself. He felt as if he was a rock, steady and firm. He felt as if he was the ground, plain and neverending. He felt as if he was the minerals of the Earth like the diamonds and like, shiny and sturdy.

It was just like that, feeling the Earth. Then the number of Mana Stars in his Mana Sea continue to increase until it reached the number of ten, compressed and became a Meduim, Brown, Earth Star. It continue to increase until it become three Meduim, Earth-Star and Dino's Seven-Star Mortal-Mage level before was now a Ten-Star Mortal-Mage!

He became a Ten-Star Mortal-Mage after his meditation for almost three days! His progress was so fast!

However, an absurd thing happen! The Earth-Star was still increasing until it reached seven meduim, Earth-Star.

Five days later, Dino finally woke up from his meditation. He then saw the ladies inside the cave while doing their things while Henry was outside patrolling for possible dangers.

However, Dino saw this while his eyes was still close! Even Dino himself was shock as this was the first time happen this to him!

He then immediately checked his status panel;

Name : Dino Bon
Class : Mage
Health : 1000/1000 | Mana : 148/149
Attack : 19 | Defense : 19| Speed : 15
Status : Healthy
Affinities : Wood-30%|Wind-5%|Earth-50%
Innate : Earth Heart

Offensive : Sharp Leaves[Lvl2],Crystal Shard[Lvl10]
Defense : Root Defense[Lvl2],Stone Mental Defense[Lvl10]
Support : Wind Shoes[Lvl3]
Recovery : Aroma Therapy[Lvl4], Heal[Lvl2], Cure[Lvl1]
Curse : ∅
Summoning : ∅
Territory : Earth Sense[Lvl10]

Crystal Shard[Lvl10]
Active : Use 10 MP and create a shard made of crystal and deal a 100 damage points.

Stone Mental Defense[Lvl10]
Active : Use 50 MP and create a mind shield and protect from mental attacks upto 100 damage points.

Earth Sense[Lvl10]
Passive : Constantly resonate with the Earth and fully see everything on the ground within 5 meters, user as the center.
Active : Use 1 MP for every 60 seconds and double the area covered by Earth Sense.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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