How it all started

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 Maddison's POV

I woke up as a normal day as always but it felt diffrent but I just shrugged it off. I got in the shower and put this outfit on:

 I got in the shower and put this outfit on:

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I went to school. I was in middle school. I went in and it felt like something had changed. I met up with my best friend Jada. I have known Jada since we were in 1st grade. 

J: Have you seen the knew kid?

M: No...I just got here like 2 minutes ago!

J: Oh...ngl he's kinda cute 

M: You and boys never end do they?

J: Idk they may never end haha

M: You need to get your life together before anything!

J: I know I know... but this one is cute!!

M: Sure... Now come on we have to go 

J: I'm going I'm going!!

We reached my locker and put my stuff in and got my math book to go to class. We were going to class when I bumped into someone. Well there goes my morning. I hate waking up and now this...GREAT!

??: I'm sorry 

M: It's fine it my fault I-... 

Thats when I saw him. I knew everyone in my school but I dint know him. Was this the kid that Jada told me about. I was lost in my thoughts when he got me back to reality.

??: Are you ok?

M: Yea 

N: Im Nick *handing math book*

M: Mads  *grabbing math book*

N: See you around Mads *walks away*

M: Bye 

Nick's POV

Wow my first day and I already made first impression bad. Well there goes my morning. She was cute...WHAT!!...Nick STOP... you only knew her for 2 minutes you can't like her already! Can I? No...I kept walking to class try not to be late I was around the corner when the bell rang. Great now I'm late!! When I walk inside the classroom there she was Maddison. She looked at me and Ms.Marquez was yelling at me for no reason. Doesn't she know that Im aloud to be late cause im new? Whatever I was not having it and I knew that after this was a break. All I need right now is a break!

(M = Ms.Marquez)

Ms.M: Mr.Austin your late!!

N: Sorry

Ms.M: You kids need to stop being late to my class!! Even if your new thats not an excuse!! You got it Austin??

N: Yes *looking down* 

Maddison's POV 

I saw how nick was looking down and it seemed like he had a tough morning and I decided to speak up because no one was going to do it and I've been in that place before.

M: Well if your classroom wasn't at the end of the hallway we wouldn't be late!!

Ms.M: Excuse me

M: You know what I might get in trouble for whats right its fine with me because I know that you shouldn't treat him like shit!

J: Mads Shut Up and sit down *whispers*

M: Are you with me or are you like every other stupid kid in here? *whispers*

J: You know what Maddison is right!

Ms.M: Really so is your right both of you can go to the principles office... NOW!!

Me and Jada got up and left the classroom. I was actually confident that I was able to do that. I know I'm probably gonna get in trouble with my mom but it wasn't my fault she was being a bitch!! 

J: Hey I'm actually proud of you...I didn't think you had that in you!!

M: I know I didn't either hahaha

J: I'm glad that we did that together haha

M: Me too 

We got to the principals office and I never got in trouble or I was the one who got Jada out of trouble. I was quite and shy and never actually never stood up to anyone before because that wasn't me but I don't know has gotten me that I did that. We were in the waiting room and waiting for our parents to get here. When my mom got here she looked at me with that death stair and I got up and whispered to Jada that if I dot answer my phone is because I was dead. 

(M = Ms.Martinez)

Ms.M: Come on Maddison were going home!!

M: Ok 

J: Bye 

M: Bye 

we were walking out the office when I saw nick again. I looked at him a smiled. He smiled back. I was so happy and I think I was falling for him. I didn't get my hopes up because all boys are assholes so I didn't know how he was. He seemed different then most boy.

Ms.M: Hurry Up Maddison!!

M: Going 

We left and the car ride was silent. Its never silent. I guess I really messed up this time. I never really got in trouble with my mom because I never really did anything. I was scared to know what happens next. 

Ms.M: Why did you do that Maddison?

M: Idk... i'm sorry I just tho- 

Ms.M: Well u thought wrong!!

I was trying my hardest not to cry because I never cry and a could. A tear went down my cheek.  It feel like I lost everything my whole world. My mom has never told me that. When we get to the house I ran to my room. I never expected that my mom would ever scream at me. I might not talk a lot but that doesn't mean I might be an angel. Felt bad because now that my mom knows she's going to think that Jada made my like this. Jada is the the whole opposite of me she's the dare devil. I stayed in my room the rest of the day just bring to my pillow until I heard a car pull up on my neighbors drive way. Well its kinda not my neighbor at the same time it is because no one lives there and when I saw someone was going to move in. Its been 3 years and no one has wanted to move I n that house. When I saw who was moving in my mind was gone. Why did they just have to move in I mean yea I wanted someone to move in but just why them? My mind was done with life...

WC: 1067

I Had to Go! - Nick AustinWhere stories live. Discover now