Day before i go!!

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* End of School Year *

I put all my stuff in my car and went to school. When I went in I saw Jada there with Nick. Jada came and hugged me. I had a tear runing down my cheek.

I looked up and saw Nick right there. Jada and me were hugging and it felt like forever. I was glad that I had a supportive friendship with her. Then she whispered in my ear.

J: Just talk to him pls!!

M: Ok

J: Thank You

We stopped hugging and then I went up to Nick. I looked at him and then I smiled. He smiled and i gave him a hug.

N: I'm glad i have u in my life u know that!!

M: Ik what would you do without me

N: Hahah i love Maddison!!

M: I love u too Nick

We ended kissing and then got interrupted by the bell. We walk into class hand in hand and then we sat in our chairs.

A few minutes later our class got interrupted by the one and only Taylor Holder coming late...again

* Skip to Lunch Time *

Me and Nick were walking to the cafeteria when we saw a fight between Taylor and Kris. Nick got Kris off of Taylor and toke him far away.

N: What the hell is wrong with u!!! U know he could kill u!!

K: If he could kill someone why didn't he kill u ??

N: Stop that nonsense u know dam well how I put up with this!!!

K: Fine just let me go!!!

Nick's POV

I let go of and then he tries to go to Taylor again. I graced him and slammed him into the locker. What was this kid thinking!!

N: What is wrong with u Kris!!??

K: Not hu ik ng is wrong I'm just sick and tired of this shit!!

N: What shit??

K: Nothing ur not going to get it!!

N: Try me

K: Can u let me go Now!!!??

N: Fine

I let him go and he just walked away like noth ik ng happend. Did something happen to him was there problems that he was having. Then me Mads and Jada went to the cafeteria. We got our lunch and went to our spot were we used to sit when I fist came to this school.

J: So what are we going to do???

N&M: Idk

J: Well at what time do u have to leave Maddison??

M: Um like around 5 or 5:30

N: Ok then we could spent time together only if it's just going to be 4 hours after school

J: Ok

M: Yea...totally

N: Ok then it's done

We kept talking and then the bell rang. We all walked in and sat on our regular seats. I was glad that today was the last day of school but I wasnt happy that I'm leaving today.

Ms.A: So since today is the last day of school we have a suprise for one of u

Class: Ok

Ms.A: So can all the boys go outside

I Had to Go! - Nick AustinWhere stories live. Discover now