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Nick's POV

She came in the restroom and helped me clean up. She got the cloth and started to wipe the blood from my nose and the cuts I had above my eyebrow. 

N: Ow...

M: Sorry 

N: It s fine 

She looked at me with her light blue eyes. She was so perfect. She was an amazing person and I wouldn't be the person I am right now if it wasn't for her. I looked at her and then her lips. She smiled and continued to clean me up until we heard my bedroom door open. 

Ms.A: Nick where are you??

I guess she saw my window open so she came in the restroom and saw me and mads there. 

Ms.A: Hi Maddison 

M: Hi Ms.Austin...How are you?

Ms.A: Im fine and you?...I haven't seen you guys talk to each other in a long time what happened?

M: Im fine...and a lot has happened between the years so now were just catching up

Ms.A: Thats sound good...are you staying for dinner?

M: I don't think so my mom is coming home early from work 

Ms.A: Ok well nick finish getting cleaned up and also food is ready in the kitchen if your hungry and im going to visit your auntie and cousins that are in the hospital 

N: Ok mom

Ms.A: Ok bye 

M&N: Bye 

She continued to clean me up and then she stoped. She looked at me and then washed the cloth with warm water. I wonder why would she help me I was the one who didn't protecter her from her mom.

N: Why are you helping me Maddison 

M: Because...I care about you Nick just like you protected me from tayler its my turn to help you

N: You don't have to you know 

M: Yea I know but its my choice to help you 

N: Thank You 

M: Your welcome 

N: Im sorry  

I looked down thinking about all the things that have been through both of us because of her fuckebn mom and dad.

M: For what??

N: For not protecting you when were I-

M: Its fine Nick...We were kids and we didn't know what we were doing and its not our fault that that happened to me ok 

N: Ok  

She came over and then she cleaned the rest of the blood in my face and then she saw my hand. She grabbed my hand and then I pulled it away from her. I didn't want her to see the mess that I did to Tayler. 

M: Why is your hand filled with blood??

N: Nothing 

M: Nick!! What happened to your hand??

N: Nothing ok just leave me alone!!

I got up and left the restroom and went downstairs. She seemed sad but at this times she wasn't worth my time right now. When I came back up I was going to say sorry for the way that I acted but when I got there she was gone. I knew that I had messed everything up. I went to the her window and knocked on it. 

N: Mads can I come in 

No one responded and I knew she was just trying to help me. I knocked again.

N: Mads I know you don't want to talk to me but just let me explain...Im sorry

She still didn't answer and I opened her window to her room and went inside and she wasn't in there. I looked in her restroom and there she was with blood dripping from her thighs. She had a blade in her hand. 

N: Maddison wake up *shaking her* 

N: Mads!!

She dint wake up so I called the ambulance and we went to the hospital. I called mads mom so she can come and then my mom to tell her were I was at. Later then I see Ms.M walk through the hospital door. 

Ms.M: What happened ??

N: I don know we were in my house then I got mad and she left and when I tried to apologize thats when I saw her in her restroom with a blade and blood all over her floor!!

Ms.M: Omg...I should have told you this before but I guess I never got the time to...When she feels out of place or she feels like its all on her she starts to cut on her self...When she was little like 12 or 13 she started

I felt like it was all my fault that she did this now. I should of never screamed at her. She was just trying to help. Now look what I got her in to. Its my fault. I went outside to get some air and called Jada. 

Calling Jada 

J: Hey Whats up nick 

N: Hey can you come to the hospital 

J: Ok Why??

N: Just come to the hospital right now its important

J: Ok Im on my way

*End of Call*

A few minutes later jada pulled up in the hospitals parking lot. I was scared my eyes were red and puffy because of all the crying I was doing. It was all my fault now she's going to die because of me.

J: Hey- Why are you crying??

N: its Maddison 

J: WHAT!!!

J: She cutted her self huh!! 

N: Its all my fault!!

J: No Nick don't say that...its...our fault for not telling you that she does those things to her self!!

N: No if I never should of screamed at her!!

N: You know what should get home...take good care of her plz thank you Jada!!

J: Ok I will!!

I walked to my car thought of everything that happened to Mads because of me...she went through this because of me!! I started my car and then everything went black. When I woke up I saw a light beaming on my face. I tried to sit up but my stomach started to hurt really bad. I screamed in pain and a doctor came in and then told me that I got in a car accident. 

I Had to Go! - Nick AustinWhere stories live. Discover now