I need to see you!!

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Jadas POV

When nick called me to go to the hospital I just thought that something happened to Maddison because she had to go to the hospital for the 2nd time now. I got to the hospital then I saw Nick outside crying. I went to him and I knew that Nick never cries unless something happened to the most important person in his life. That was Mads!

I walked to him and then I knew it was something wrong with mads. He said that he needed to go home so that his mom didn't get mad at him and I understand that but when I went inside I saw Ms.M in the waiting room. I went to her and I asked if she heard anything about mads and she said that there giving her surgery because she had deep cuts on her legs and she had lost a lot of blood. They said it was a 90% she wouldn't make it and 10% she would make it. 

I knew that Mads was strong and she would make it. Hopefully!! We waited for a couple of hours and then Mads doctor came out. He came to us and gave us the news to see if she made it or not. 

D: So I have good and bad news!!

Ms.M: Ok 

D: So Maddison did good in the surgery and she is good but the bad news is that we have to wait to see if she wakes up!!

J: So if she doesn't wake up she..s-

D: Yes i'm sorry

Then he left. I was crying because I didn't want mads to go. We still had to live our lives. She was supposed to fix things with nick and everything would go back how it used tone just that we would move to LA. I hope she told nick before she fixed things with him.

Nicks POV                                                                                           
Then I see my mom walk in the room. She came to me and she hugged me and I did the same thing. I had bruises and cuts but I was good I guess. I didn't know what happened to Mads so I called Jada. 

Calling Jada

N: Hey Jada 

J: Hi...Nick

She sounded like she was crying so I asked her what happened to her and...

N: What happened?

J: Nothing!! Why did you call me?

N: I was just checking  up on you and Mads

J: Oh ok if thats all then I have to go!!

N: Its Mads isn't it!!

J: No she's fine I promise.

N: Ok I trust you!!

J: I know you do bye

N: Bye 

End of Call

I checked up on her to see how she was doing and by the way she talked it seemed like something was wrong but she just said that she was fine. I thought that I should've went to check up on her instead of just called her but she said it was fine. I didn't know if she was lying of saying the truth. I knew that Jada would take care of Mads instead of her own self and anyone else because they were her family. 

I went to my room and just lied in my bed. What have I done to her. She was everything to me and now what I did to her. Why? Why did it have to happen to me? I went to the restroom to shower and then thought about everything that happend.

She was my whole life. If she didnt talk to me it wss fine because I knew that she was still here and now she might not even be here. What have I done it's all my fault. I got out the shower and just loved on my bed. I then feel asleep and woke up to my phone buzzing. I checked the time and it was 2:30 in the morning. I saw that jada had called me.

I Had to Go! - Nick AustinWhere stories live. Discover now