A lot happend!!

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* 5 years Past *

A lot happend in the last 5 years. Me and Jada joined the Hype House and today we were moving in.

I woke up and showered and got into this outfit:

I woke up Jada and she got ready and I made breakfast

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I woke up Jada and she got ready and I made breakfast. We were all done with breakfast and we put everything in our cars.

After driving for 20 minutes we got there. We knocked on the door and Kouvr opened the door. Me and Kouvr have the same energy and when were together its insane.

K: MADS!!!


We both hugged each other and we went inside. We were sitting in the couch until someone walked in. Me and Jada didnt know everyone since some were with there family.

He walked in and said:

??: Hey guys who's two cars are in the driv-...

He just stopped and looked at me and Jada. He seemed familiar like I seen him before.

??: Mads...

I looked at Jada and she seemed confused. Then I remebered. Nick!! It couldn't be. Could it??

M: Nick??

I got up and hugged him. We were both hugging until Kouvr said something.

K: U know each other??

M: Yea

N: We used to be friends when we were in middle school and high school

K: Ok nice

J: Ok see this is the thing everytime u guys see each other u guys forget abt me!!

M: No one forgot abt u Jada haha

Jada came and gave nick a hug. I was glad that we were all together now.

Nick's POV

I was coming back from the store when I saw two unfamiliar cars. I went in and said who's cars they were when there she was. I knew we were go in ng to see each other again.

N: Hey guys who's two cars are in the driv-

It was Mads. I was glad to see her.

N: Mads...

She looked at Jada and then looked at me. She came running into my arms. She was still special to me and I'm glad shes back in my life.

Mads POV

Me Nick and Jada were catching up of what had happend our life's after high school. Well we were doing good until two boys came in the house with a girl.

I looked at one and then I noticed one boy with curly hair. He was cute. Then he came over with another boy who looked like his brother.

( Boy Number 1 = BN1
  Boy Number 2 = BN2 )

I Had to Go! - Nick AustinWhere stories live. Discover now