I dont want u!!

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Mads POV

We were watching the firework show and I laid my head on Nick's shoulder and then he put his head on mine. Then Darianka came and pushed me off of Nick and sat in between us.

I looked at her and she had a smile on her face. I sat closer to Kouvr and laid on her shoulder. Out of all the girls Kouvr and Jada knew that I still liked Nick and I didnt want to tell anyone cause I felt like u couldn't like ur ex again.

K: Its ok bby ur going to be fine

M: Ok

The firework show was done and we all were walking to the exit. When Kouvr told me.

K: U want to go with me and Alex??

M: Yea sure thx

K: Ok

K: Hey guys Mads is going to go with me and Alex so Patrick and Clavin u guys have to choose who's going with Nick!!

P&Ca: Ok

We walked to Alex's car and then Patrick came with us. We were going home when Kouvr wasn't feeling good so Patrick tried to help.

P: Kouvr are u ok *puts hand on shoulder*

K: Dont touch me

Me and Alex were laughing our asses off. Alex put his Tesla in auto so it could drive its self. He was vlogging and then we stopped at the charging station. And then while Alex stayed in the car me Kouvr and Patty went inside to get something to eat.

P: So...

K: Shut Up Patty

P: Ok

We got everything that we needed and then went back to the car. I was on my phone when I saw Kouvr chasing Patrick. Then she got a taser and was abt to shock Patrick.

P: Kouvr I could flip that over to u I know CPR!!

I started dying. Then she was starting to get way mad and then Patrick fell.

K: Turn around

Then Patrick hissed at Kouvr and ran inside the car.

A: Did patty just hiss at Kouvr??

M: Yess

Me and Alex were dying. Kouvr looked at us and we both ran to the car.

K: I hate u alex!!

A: I love u too

K: Oh I dont forget u three are going to get it when we get back home!!!

A&P&M: Ok

We stayed quiet the whole rest of the ride until Patrick started to talk to me.

P: Mads...Mads...MA-

K: Patrick if something comes out ur fucken mouth ur dead

We eventually got home and then me and Patrick ran inside before Kouvr got to us. Alex had no where to go bc him and Kouvr shared a room. Then I got a knock on my door. I unlocked and it was Nick. I looked at him and then looked at the ground.

N: Can we talk??

M: Yea sure

I let him in and we sat on my bed and then we stayed looking at each other.

N: Why are u acting weird??

M: No I'm not

N: Yes u are

M: How do u know if I am or not u havent seen me in 5 years so how does that work out for u!?!

N: Wow now I know something is wrong with u

I Had to Go! - Nick AustinWhere stories live. Discover now