We are gonna Go!!!

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We got to the restaurant and got to our booth. I sat next to Nick and my mom. We talked about how things are now for us. We went later to the fair and then to the beach to see the sunset.

Mo: Well thank you for coming all of you 

M: Don't worry mom if anything you can just call

Mo: Ok

We drove my mom home.

Mo: Ok well thank again for everything

M: Np love u

Mo: Love you too

Then we went back to LA. I was driving since Jada drove last time. I was driving when Nick called.

M: Hello

N: Hey

M: Hey what's up

N: You good?

M: Yea

N: Is Jada sleeping

M: How u know

N: Well if she was awake then I would've heard her by now

M: True

J: I'm still here and I can here you both

M: Ok

N: Ok well I'll talk to you guys later I got to drive

M: Ok bye

N: Bye

I Had to Go! - Nick AustinWhere stories live. Discover now