Where did u go??

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Mads POV

Me and Kouvr were making pancakes when I felt someone hug me from behind i looked and saw Nick. I smiled and then he said.

N: Gm

M: Gm

N: Gm Kouvr

K: Gm Nick...I'm going to wake up the others

M: I wanna help!!

K: Ok

M: Nick take care of the pancakes!!

K: I dont think Nick knows how to

We both laughed and went up stairs. We went to wake up the boys first since they take forever to come downstairs. First we went to wake up Tony and Ondre. We got to there room and then me and Kouvr were jumping on their beds. I wasn't seeing until I tripped on Tony's foot. I fell to the floor and my ankle got twisted. Kouvr ran up to me and I couldn't move my foot. Kouvr called Nick and he came running inside the room. They were all circling around me when Nick carried me outside. I could tell that he was worried. He sat me in his cars and we went to the hospital.

N: What happend??

K: Well we went to wake up everyone and we decided to wake up Tony and Dre

M: So then we jumped on their beds and I kinda tripped

N: U have to be more careful buds

M: Ik

We were in my room waiting for the doctor. We were hoping for good news and not bad.

* 2 hours later *

The doctor came in and told us the results after all the x-rays and tests that I had to take.

Dc: Well good news ur good just that ur ankle broken

M: Ok

Dc: U just need to sign these papers so u could go home and ur all set

N: Ok thanks doc

Dc: Its my pleasure and no more Maddisons jumping on the bed!!

M: Yessir

We laughed and I signed the papers and Nick carried me to his car. He sat me on the passenger seat and he went to the driver's seat.

N: Ok now what really happend??

M: Me and Kouvr went to wake up Tony and Ondreaz and we were jumping in their beds and I tripped over Tony's foot

N: So it was Tony's fault!!

M: Not necessarily bc i should've never been jumping on the bed

N: Yes but he wasn't supposed to "trip" u!!

M: But he didn't I tripped on his foot

He didn't say anything and he started to drive home. I looked out the window the rest of the ride home. We got to the house Nick toke me out of the car. We went inside and he sat me on the counter. He went to go get an ice pack from the garage.

I was sitting there and then Tony comes in. He came up to me and he seemed like he was sad.

To: I'm sorry that I tripped up

M: No its not your fault

To: Are u sure bc look were u ended up a place were u didn't want to go

M: Its fine Tony

To: It basically is bc if I wouldn't have tripped u, u wouldn't begin this position rn

M: Ig ur right but still

I Had to Go! - Nick AustinWhere stories live. Discover now