Why did that happen?

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3 years later 

(there in High School)

Nick's POV

Today was the day that Mads dad raped her. I didn't want to go to school because were. still going to see each other even if haven't talked in 3 years. I was getting big on social media and so was Mads and Jada. We all haven't talked after the whole hospital things 3 years ago. I didn't know that her dad did that and apparently jada did. Who keeps a secret from their best friend in their time. I remember that when I was in the stay jada came in and we started talking and then I hear that mads cut her mom by say "Ok". I was kinda scared for  her. I tried to go out but jada stoped me. Then they  just left. I don't know what jada was trying to tell me that day but thats what ruined my friendship with her. 

I decided to go talk to Maddison because I just wanted to become friends. I was walking to her locker and she noticed but then the popular kids came up to me and I guess they had a reason why they came up to me. I mean like we are friends and its a big group. Then Tayler told me that he got in a fight with one of the kids in Mads group. Mads group got mad because they thought that since I wasn't there for her and didn't perfect her she's not allowed to talk to me. I was kinda upset because I can't do anything when it comes to each group because I was in both. There different but I don't think I can choose. 

T: So here is the plan...*explains plan*

N: Umm...Tayler I dont want to do that!!

T: What do you mean you don't want to do the plan??

N: Well im not going to hurt some people I care about even tho im not always with them!!

Thats when people started to gather around us. He tried to punch me but he missed. Good thing my mom made me take self defense class. I punched him in the nose thats when we started to fight and I saw mads and the group in the corner of my eye. A school teacher came to break us up. I had a bloody nose and a busted lip. Tayler on the other hand had a black eye and a bloody nose.

I wasn't going to let them hurt people that I care about. I knew that Mads wouldn't let me back in but I still love her. I mean I never stoped loving her ever since we bumped into each other. I was glad that she was part of my childhood and one of the special persons that made me the person who I am. We went to the office and my mom had to come and pick me up because I was expelled because I hit back but I wasn't just going to let him hit me. I still had a bloody nose but I just kept whining the blood away. My mom came in the office and she talked to the principal. I finally was able to go home. We were walking out the office when I see that the gang was there. I looked at mads and wiped the blood off my nose and kept walking. She looked kinda worried. 

I didn't think that I was ever going to get in a fight for something that I really care about and for the people that I did it for not even going to ever know. We got home and the worst thing is that I was still mads neighbor and my window still connected to the tree. I haven't been in the tree in a long time.


3 years ago

Me and Mads were in this tree watching the sunset when she apologized for her mom screaming at me but I didn't care because I understood why her mom was mad. I just told her that it was fine and she didn't have to worry about it. I was glad that I had a friend like Mads. She was the best. She got you up when your down and you have the best time with her. 

*End of Flashback*

I wasn't sure if when I go back to school anything going to be normal or the same.I went back into my room when my mom told me that someone came to see me. I really didn't want to talk to anyone right now. I wasn't feeling myself at this moment. I didn't want anyone to see me like this but that was too late for that. Especially if I got into a fight in school. Thats not me thats not the person that my mom tased. Something is off. Something was off. I just wanted to talk to Mads one more time. 

Mads POV

When me and my group were in the hallway we saw that nick and tayler were fighting I knew that wasn't nick. Nick wouldn't hurt anyone. Would he? Then when a teacher saw that he broke it up. I looked at nick and he was whining the blood away from his nose. Nick had to have an explanation for why he got in a fight with tayler.

They went to the office and that was the last thing thing that I saw after an hour. Me and the group were in the hallway talking when I saw nick's mom that walked into the office. Then a few minutes later nick and his mom came out. Nick still had a bloody nose and a busted lip but it wasn't that bad as tayler. I felt bad for nick. He walked by and we made eye contact for a minute or two and he wiped the blood off his nose. 

*After School*

I was walking home when I thought that maybe I would go to nicks house to see how he's doing. What if he doesn't want to see me so. I just didn't end up going no more. Then I saw nick in the tree that connected to our room windows. I went in my house and went to my room and looked out and nick was gone. Then I saw jada go to nicks house. I wasn't mad or anything even though I still cared about him. He will always be in my hart because he was the person to help me find who I was.


I saw nick coming to me and he was about to tell me something when tayler and his group came up to him. Nick was in taylers group after the boys didn't want anything to do with him. I knew that they stilled did but I mean thats what they wanted to do. 

*End of Flashback*

What was nick going to tell me? I had that question in my mind until I feel asleep. I wasn't in the time to know what was in my surroundings when I herd my room door open. I heard my mom come in and tell me something but I was half asleep so didn't get to hear what she was saying. 

Ms.M: Mads...Maddison 

Ms.M: Your going to back your bags your going to move in your aunties house because the case is going to close and you can't stay with me

I Had to Go! - Nick AustinWhere stories live. Discover now